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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 62
0 km · Victoria


I will be up in Sydney for one night Friday week and I'm looking for somewhere to go Friday night where I might find some entertainment. AFAIK Sydney only has one X-Rated cinema at Club X George Street. Are there any others out there? or anywhere else couples may gather for some adult entertainment.
Hope that sort of thing continues on August 16 'cause I'll be up there for a trade show and looking for a good night out. I have seen one couple in there a few years ago but nothing since.
There is clearly some sort of blitz on. The Police Paddocks near Dandenong are a popular gay/dogging hangout and there have been cops and security guys there for the past two weeks. Also cops came into the Crazyhorse in the city the other night looking for "Illegal Soliciting" and "lewd" behaviour.
Yeah it's always attracted a pretty weird crowd. Although the new small cinema is a great venue for dogging.
Turned out to be a really good night. Never seen so many Women there before and most were happy to play or put on a show. Also one really cute tranny who had me fooled, well until I got her skirt raised. If it keeps going like this I might try to find more time to get down there more often.
Anybody planning on going tonight? I see they have put their prices up yet again so I'm not all that keen on turning up and finding no one there.
Thanks to the amazing couple who came into ClubX today and put on such a great show. Donna you are incredible! Sounded like you enjoyed it too!
I'm thinking of heading up to Sydney Thursday and Friday for LIVID festival. Might head to this venue late at night. What times it open till? And what chance I might find couples at that tome of night?
Just wondering? I haven't heard any talk about the mixed nights at places like Shed 16 and Bay City in a long time here. Does anybody still ever go to these things? I stopped going a while ago 'cause there was never anyone there apart from lot's of desperate old men. (like me) and the occasional tranny. Have things picked up or have they sort of run their race?
Outside of the Bi Nights at Seaford and Elsternwick, there are a couple of holes at the Dendy in Melbourne. I;ve never seen any couple here but there;s no reason why not.
Quote by Imnawty2
hey mate I dont want to meet you ( unless you find a hot chick for us both to fuck lol ) but whats the go with thomastown is it a cinema like the dendy full of old gay guys wanting to blow you all the time and how many cpls get in there playing ? some info would be greatly apreciated cheers

and in answer to your question. Yes it is just like the Dendy, lots of old gay guys and very rarely any couples and I've never heard of a single woman going there.
Quote by 69GentleHands69
Never dendy again. The maleas in there are creeps and dont respect the laDIES.
We were also abused while leaving and walking up the lane by guys at the snooker hall.
Will be trying other club x venues but never dendy again.

The people queuing at Charltons are a real pain, I came out late one friday and copped a torrent of abuse. One of the guys working at the cinema said that sometimes they were coming in to the peep show section and hassling people there as well.
That's why I like Dandenong as I can park out the front and walk straight in.
Quote by vindy23
dendy cinemas have gloryholes in the porn booths on ground floor

They are only in the end booths I believe, and from what I've seen they are too damn low.
There are of course lots of gloryholes in venues like Shed 16 and Baycity but I've never seen any Women in either.
Sounds like WGP may be the place although on a hot night like this I'd say Sunnyside would have to be a chance as well/
Thanks to the couple tonight for their all too brief performance. It was great sexy fun, hope you come back again sometime soon.
Quote by aladdin
Guys have you tryed grantville on Sunday night

I've popped into Grantville quite a few times especially Sunday evenings coming home from Inverloch but I've never seen any sort of action there.
I could be a really good spot though. Gran a few cans from the bottlo up the raod and some charcoal chook for afters.
Anybody here been going to Club X Dandenong recently. I get lots of reports from guys there about regular visits from couples and two single ladies who turn up of a weekday. Everytime I go the joint is empty.
Quote by largenincharge
might take the mrs to club x on sat nite - we're both curious to see what its like.

If it's anything like Wednesday night, the answer is empty.
Quote by Mahatos
it is worthy of note that the cinema closes early sunday nigfht i got in for free at because the cinema was soom to close, which it did at 10,pm. when i came out into shop, one horny woman was eriousl upset because he she and partner ahd arrived to perform and it was to late.
i will be there tuuesday night and hope a couple finally arrive, as it has been a while !

Of course if they didn't arrive last night I'd be more than happy if they turned up tonight. I'm up from Melbourne and looking for some Sydney entertainment. So come on down.
I'm heading up from Melbourne for work on Wednesday night. I'd love to see some Sydney couple action or some hot tranny or CD. It's been 2 years since I was there last so really looking forward to it. I'l be there from about 8 - 830 till 10:00
Getting in early. I'm heading up to Sydney on business on Wednesday Oct 17. I'm sure that as I am at a loose end for the night I'll probably end up at Club X, unless anybody here has any other suggestions? I'll be there from about 8 -8:30 I imagine after a feed in ChinaTown, if any couples were looking to have a night out at the cinema I can assure you of a very willing audience.
Hi everyone, I'm heading up to Sydney for one night for work on Wednesday Oct 17. Thought I might head to Club X cinema as I've had some good times there in the past. Will probably be there from about 8:30 till 11:00 as I have to be up for a connecting flight at 5:00. Would love to see any couples, women, TS or CDs out that night.
Shit. believe it or not i actually was. I was staying in Central but I do have to ask, how does anyone get bored in HK?
According to the staff there are NO cameras inside the cinemas themselves. The stories started on a gay website by some guy with an axe to grind 'cause he got thrown out after he wouldn't take no for an answer. There are lots of cameras outside the cinema including in the alley but none in either cinema. There is a camera inside the Club X Dandy cinema but it is focused on the screen to check playback problems.
Personally I wouldn't recommend the Crazyhorse anymore. There have been way too many weirdos hanging out there for my liking. I think Dendy is better and safer and the Dendy gives you two cinemas to choose from. I still think the best and most comfortable cinema venue is Club X Dandenong. Only problem is, it's in Dandenong.
The nearest one to you will be the Dendy in Coverlid Place off Little Bourke Street. The only other place in Melbourne now is the Crazyhorse in Elizabeth St. but it's small, dirty and you get some pretty weird people in there at times. The Dendy also gives you the choice of two cinemas as well as some booths downstairs. Staff there are pretty cool too. The other "accessible" theatre is the Dandenong Club X. It's right next to the railway station but it's about 55 minutes from the city but it's prety large and again the staff there are cool with what's going on. The other place to check out if you have the time is Shed 16. It's not far from Seaford Station but Monday night is swingers night and you'll get plenty of action there. They have different theme rooms, gloryholes, a viewing room with a one way mirror and some bondage rooms as well. Whatever you do, don't give too many details openly here or you'll create a riot. I once went to the Dendy and there must have been 100 guys there. Just give a general shout out in the forum and ask for PMs for more details. Of course I'd just love an invite as well :-) Have Fun.
Well I'm not married Candy. But I am old, fat and ugly. Still I could just watch :-)
Quote by Candy1991
yea well i got there and no one wanted to fuck me sad oh well had more fun at baycity sauna got more stories comming guys hehe so hot so sexy and hmmm

Are you kidding me? I've seen you at Shed 16 and I find that very hard to believe.
BTW what was Bay City like? I haven't been there in over a year. The last time there wasn't a single chick there, only one very old and cross dresser.
And yes people wanted to fuck him. Go figure.