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Scam emails from some fake profiles here

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Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
I am sure many single guys here receive scam emails from supposedly single ladies. How do you guys deal with it. Do couples/ladies get similar ones too. The below is the latest I got. I had responded to a personal ad and had left my email in there and I think this was the end result. ------ Hey there! I liked you, and I want to know you better! I'm a single girl looking for a serious relationship. I am 31 years old. I've never been married and have no children! In my spare time I like to listen to music, watch movies, play sports, and much more. I am writing to you today a little bit about myself, since I have little time now. I beg you, if you receive this letter, tell me about him, and tell me about your life. I'm also going to talk to you about me more when I have more time synthesis! Now I'll send you some of my photos, I hope that they like you! I'll look forward to your letter. Have a nice day! ------- Off late I have stopped responding to ads from profiles created in the same month. Would like to have a look at your scam emails too and look for patterns. Pls post them.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Well see I would have thought reporting it to an admin or a mod to have it handled and investigated would be your first port of call....
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Well it was an email, not a msg. I deduce it is a scam. Its nots a whinge, more an attempt to confirm I am not alone and also look at other scam emails.
Sex God
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by tantrax
Well it was an email, not a msg.
I deduce it is a scam.
Its nots a whinge, more an attempt to confirm I am not alone and also look at other scam emails.

you can still report, those emails. smile Or would you prefer the site, to keep them :) ???
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
I got the exact same email to my address, includes a pic of an attractive Russian looking lady also the electrical outlet in the picture is similar to what they use in Eastern Europe. I have already received similar emails from replys to Craiglist ads, not sure what the scam is but I would say it's haversting emails for hackers/Spammers.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Glad I am not alone. The scam comes when you respond to the emails. The site has a problem with drive by operators posting ads pretending to be Females or Couples. I would say new accounts should not have access to post ads for 2-4 weeks.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Also the profiles don't state date of joining, just month and so its hard to suss out a genuine ad from a fake one. like this sounds genuine but is it?
Sex God
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by tantrax
Also the profiles don't state date of joining, just month and so its hard to suss out a genuine ad from a fake one.
like this
sounds genuine but is it?

Im not sure what you mean, considering, this link you put, isnt an email. smile Now if you think they are fake, doing what you have done is considered naming and shaming. But from your wording, I take it, you think they are genuine.
If you dont feel something is real you ie a profile, Report it, as for ads or parties. The site as nothing to do with those. Unless of cause they are breaking the sites AUP, otherwise.
Its up to you. To put into matters, and ways to see how genuine it is. Im afraid, admin, would have a difficult time, getting to all meets advertised, in personals or the forums, to see how real and genuine every one is. :)
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
That was an example of a profile that was created just recently and followed up with an Ad. So these guys for all I know could be very well genuine . I have not responded to this ad. But I have for quite a few other similar ads and have left an email there if they wish to take it offline. This triggers a scam email like the one above or genuine looking contacts at the outset which then move on to the usual scam tactics. There is not much I can report here other than highlight a pattern. The idea of this thread is to explore if I am alone in this experience.
Sex God
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by UltraAngel
This site has join the fake profile club as well just like every other sex dating site.
There is a lot of member's on here who have a standard membership and this site makes fake profiles to get us standard member to upgrade our membership.
I bet her photo look like she was a penthouse pet???
I was on AMM like 5 years ago and I got a few winks from this profile so ask this couple that I met to PM that night and the next morning before I went to work at 430 I check the profile and sure enough the profile wasn't there
The biggest problem all these sex site have is that there is a lot of guys on here and not enough women, this is why they make fake profile to keep this website going, it is what it is.

UUMMM will ask, what profiles have the site made, that are fake???
The site doesnt need too, And if you think this is, why havent you messaged Admin or a mod. Thats a high, assumption, on the site? And again, why stay if you think the site is fake??
But then again, Are you saying most of the solo ladies on this site are fake??
Or is it more that you didnt turn on them on enough they wanted to meet, and you got rejected??
But thats besides the point. How about you support ticket Admin, and leet them know you think, they made false accounts. And which ones that would be.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Ultraangel, this is not a gangbanger or threesome website. It is a swingers website. You may want to check the difference out. They are all completely seperate things. If you go to the left hand side of your screen there is an information section. You may want to check it out. There are quite a few horny women on this site, we just get sick and tired of the shit coming out of the mouths of the so called single guys, who mostly end up as married cheaters. The ones I know, and I incl;ude myself here, have found the one or more guys to satisfy them and aren't into banging random guys who message them (especially where the entire message is "nice tits, wanna fuck?" Swingers in general tend to be couples in long term relationships who want to find either long or short term other couples to join them. Sometimes they want to start with a solo woman and upon a rare occasion, a single guy. Where this gets painful is when a site fills up with single men, assuming a site is filled with horny, non picky women who will fuck anything with a penis who looks interested. Ain't gonna happen. A good indicator that someone is genuine is that they are verified. If someone messages with a fake sounding email, check if they are verified, then report them if you feel the need. There are many profiles ehre that have been closed down due to being reported. Instead of saying the mods and admin are giving lame replies, how about reporting and doing something about it.
Sex God
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
As a mod, I can tell you every reported so called fake profile, is checked. Going from your notes, I cant see that you have reported any. But this isnt what you said. You said, Admin make up profiles. How do you know, its a lame reply, going from your comment in here. If you have never reported a profile?
If you know, it was totally free, back in the day, then you wouldnt be paying. And then again, we have yearly and monthly subscriptions. You expect a site to be free, For ever, It costs on cam bandwidth, let alone anything else. We got big, and the UK stopped covering our costs, we grew up.
Oh please send me or admin, all the fake females, so we can check and like all reports they have a week to be verified, from the time they log in after the message.
Not sure where you got your numbers from. As this as been shown on many other threads, as being a lot more. smile
And like your comments here, There are horny women, BUT to expect to play straight up, Rarely happens, and this is similar to alot of sites. I have watched over time. This also goes with alot of couples. Im sure all those that have messaged you, have their own reasons, why they didnt fall over you in the first 5 mins. Going from you wasnt, what they expected, you expected to play, quickly, and so on.
Couples and Ladies, and yes even some of the gents, expect a lot more, from people they come across, attraction, manners, how they treat others, how they speak, so on and so on. To assume just because they dont want to play, means they are what you have suggested, ie fake and made by admin. Without showing fact, in why you believe this. At Least report the profiles, you would see in a week.
Otherwise, maybe its just not the place for you. But then again that would be up to you.
As I said email admin or my self, With the list of fake female accounts, And we will look into it.
Quote by UltraAngel
This site use to be free back in the day and then it was 1 time deal for a whole year and fair enough and now you have to pay all the time.
Upgrade your profile today to see who's been looking at you, you get the same profile looking at you over and over and yet you don't get a message from them.
Admin or a mod: what are they going to do about the fake profile, photo hunter and the time waster, nothing at all.
The lame reply that they would give you isn't worth it.
why stay : Most people on this site are real and looking for some fun.
The numbers don't lie and what I see is for every 1 women there 11 guy Australia wide, this is why there is fake profile and PM sent to us guys on here to get us to upgrade our membership because there's not even enough women to go around.
Where all the horny women that they make out that's on here????
For such a 3some and gangbanger website there's not a lot of action going on
There is 832 guys looking for women Australia wide
There is 74 women looking for guys Australia wide.
If you get a Pm from someone they will put their ph number or ask for yours and setup a time for a coffee and go from there, and not crap on in a Pm about nothing.
P.S On a side note, I've only gotten time waster and photo hunter who Pm me on this site.
Sex God
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
You do realize they are just adds, and not the numbers, of active members? AQnd yet again you quote, that the site makes profiles up, Do you have proof of this?
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Ultra, again, read the information - it is there for everyone and you don't have to pay for it. Swingers, gangbangs and threesomes are all very different things. Like most of the sex sites, this is not a site designed so that single men can have NSA sex. If you want that, pay for it. If you think a profile is a scam, report it. If you think a message is a scam, report it. That is what the report button is for As far as I can see, there is nothing about this site that advertises lots of horny women want to have sex with anyone.
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Ok I'm going to dumb this down as best as I can as from what I can see here you totally don't understand what they've been trying to say to you. Report Report Report Ok got it? You get messages you think are sus report. You don't like this place anymore leave. Nobody is holding you here. You are allowed to go somewhere else. Ok I'll repeat...... Report Report Report Ok got it? Good have a great night smile