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THE S Word what do people think about it

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Forum Virgin
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hey, I have a question about the use of the word SLUT!
Yes I KNOW it can be used as a very nasty rebuke, but I'm not talking about being nasty.
I like the word slut, and often use it as ( I think ) a word of endearment.....not derogatory at all.
I LOVE it when a lady sluts it out with me.....being you know as hot and as naughty as she can.
I try to be as slutty as they want me to be, and love it when they do the same for me.
the Oxford dictionary definition ie
Definition of slut in English:
1A woman who has many casual sexual partners.
2 dated A woman with low standards of cleanliness.
BUT this is not what I mean......the slut word can be is sexy, it transmits and expresses a very close bond between lovers when they use it, I think....I get VERY excited when a woman tells me in some way that she's my slut !
It usually means really good sex!
Urban Dictionary defines Slut as
a woman with the morals of a man
Not quite right either.....actually offensive somewhat to men.......are they saying ALL men are sluts cos they have male morals?
I damn sure there is a vast range of morals amongst the males of our species and many would not come near being recognised as slutty
Collins Dictionary definition is different again
(derogatory) a dirty slatternly woman ( slattern means a slovenly woman or girl; according to same dictionary I had
to look it up)
(derogatory) an immoral woman
(archaic) a female dog
Again all derogatory and not what I mean when I use the word
Does anyone else use the word slut as maybe a naughty word but is NOT being derogatory?
I work in a rather male dominated and confined work environment where swearing is the norm and I do know that when discussing women as male's do....a sentence like a tasty slut, hey? or look at this hot slut !or even I LOVE the slut is actually a statement of admiration..... I know it IS sexist and sounds derogatory, and is probably not right and maybe could be viewed as a terrible way that men are oblivious to their speech that can denigrate women,,,, but I don't think we really mean that.....we're just dumb males being male
The C word is used far more in a derogatory manner I reckon..
I got told off rather quickly for using the slut word in a chat situation, admittingly I was a bit tipsy but I said something like I like it when women slut it out and got shut down, before I could explain myself....I said I love a rather wind up manner I admit, but was abused and had the c word thrown at me....YET being called a cunt and some lady actually pushing the envelope even further ( I admit I was opened the envelope with the slut word) with random statements like "right up my cunt".....which was evidently a more acceptable statement than my I love sluts one?
So, may I ask what people it wrong to use the word slut as a term of endearment pertaining to a good sexual relationship?? Or is too offensive or derogatory to women??
It IS 2015 and there are approximately 280 profiles on this very site that use slut in their profile name !
And this IS a sex site where swearing and use of words like fuck, Cock, Wank , Cum etc are used very freely and are acceptable
Is slut a taboo as a non derogatory word, when cunt (although still a tad harsh and crude to many) is acceptable in a descriptive manner ?
Just wondering........cos I really DO like sluts :twisted:
Mr G
This is Mr G aka Gruven's opinion by the way, Nellie Gruves may not totally agree. She let me post it but had NO editorial input .
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
S.L.U.T = Sexually Liberated Uninhibited Treasure as long as the person being labelled a 'SLUT' recognises it as a compliment, then it can be used in such a fashion. People wear different labels as they please, so this should be no different.
Sex God
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Just moved into the right area smile
Forum Virgin
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Many thanks
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
I don't call my wife a slut. And I don't wear it from others either. Especially strangers, like when dogging.
Sex God
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
My Self, I think you have to know the person well, before you call them that. And if they are fine with it, but i think its one of those words, that, received such a bad rap. My self, I dont like it, but I hope Im open minded enough, that Ok I dont like it but its their choice. I think it will always be a eye brow lifter, either way. For good and bad.. lol
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
yes, looks like its derogatory, no matter what the dictionary! i personally hate the word, hate the c word, and i hate it when i get called those words, because i am neither. as for calling someone a slut in an endearing way, not sure id agree and im sure most women would disagree but each to their own.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
nope, I don't like derogatory words used for me, and I won't use them on I am sharing my body with others, and it is 'sharing' then it is a rule that derogatory words are used by nobody. If anyone uses then, my clothes go on quicker than they came off, and I am out of there Coming from family where I was derided and mocked as a child and teen, when I hear those words used towards me, they break me out of my zone and make me very uncomfortable. I cannt have sex when I'm uncomfortable, it just isn't fun for me
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Any of the words used between two consenting couples if both agree is fine with me, (thats me, not anyone else). I like those words used on me when having sex.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
We both find it rude and insulting. The use of which immediately shuts down any or all further interaction. The answer (for us) isn't just no but Hell no!
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
I believe it all depends on context, the manner it's delivered and how well you know the person. Some like it, some don't. We happily exchange it between each other in jest and as well in lust. Never seem to use it as a derogatory term because really who are we to judge anyone who enjoys their sexuality! It's not something we'd utter without knowing if it was appropriate or without being sure that it wasn't going to offend. Words and language have barriers just like the physical aspects of swinging. Find out a persons limits through honesty and stick to them so no one crosses those boundaries without knowing that they have full permission to do so. We make sure to come across as extremely polite and well mannered (which I like to think we generally are) until we know it's ok to loosen our tongues a bit. If given the freedom we can say things that could make a sailor squirm with how crass they may seem but never without knowing it's ok to do so. Our views of the word slut changed after reading 'The ethical slut' by Dossie Easton. Good book, well worth a read for anyone into the lifestyle Mr. Bear
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by KT3130
We both find it rude and insulting. The use of which immediately shuts down any or all further interaction.
The answer (for us) isn't just no but Hell no!

And we are the same too
We would not use this word in fun or jest towards any woman
I as a bloke would not use it in anger regarding a woman if I were in a real angry state towards her .... it's just not my sort of thing
I am a softie, I prefer to love & be loved, not yell rude obsenities at others
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
From your mouth to God's ears!
(Praise tha Lawd an' pass tha whiskey!)

Quote by Lumix_Lovers
We both find it rude and insulting. The use of which immediately shuts down any or all further interaction.
The answer (for us) isn't just no but Hell no!

And we are the same too
We would not use this word in fun or jest towards any woman
I as a bloke would not use it in anger regarding a woman if I were in a real angry state towards her .... it's just not my sort of thing
I am a softie, I prefer to love & be loved, not yell rude obsenities at others
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
We have no problem with it when used within context of a situation, and in fact Sheba has been known to wear the word with some pride (she readily admits that she has the tendency and will take ownership of the word) Certainly though, context is everything and were it said in the street that is different to it being said within a play sense and yes, there may be times when offense (if that is the word) may be taken. That all said, it certainly can also be said in a derogatory tone by some people and so it really is a case of each their own as each individual can decide for themselves it it was suitable context or an insult. Mind you, to use it as an insult one must really be scraping the bottom of the barrel ad it really does show a lower intellect (surely one can come up with something far more inventive) Now, call us the C word and that is different altogether as for us, that is the ultimate insult (even use the word to describe the genital area is an immediate close down)