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When one half of a couple doesn't want to 'swing' anymore...

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Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
:swingingchair: ....what happens? This is my first step into this rolleyes why not make it a leap...!!! This is a subject which many have nobody to discuss with....outside this community....
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Afternoon, Much comes down to the reasons for the not wanting to swing anymore. In the scene you find many get to this point largely due to how each party was going into the adventure together. Often it is the one who was least interested or has found it leaves them less fulfilled than originally. We are always of the opinion if it was entered into together than it should be exited together unless of course the other party actually enjoys the participating person enjoying their activities and or perhaps recalling the details. So there is much that would be personal between the two of you - talk through it and go the way which works best for you as a couple! Good luck.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
[quote="Jessnmichael"]Afternoon, Much comes down to the reasons for the not wanting to swing anymore.... Thanks for your post.....communication has always been good. It's the over-analysis thats driving me crazy.....
Warming the Bed
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What happens? Well it's simple you stop.
Master of Sex
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if one of us dosnt want to continue then we both stop swinging but thats just us ... everyones different
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
You communicate. How has swinging made your partner feel? How do you feel about swinging? Are there regrets? Are there bucket list items left unfulfilled? What are your partners concerns? Would you still want to swing without your partner? Would your partner be happy for you to swing on your own? Might a prostitute be ok, keeping the whole thing purely business? Might swinging be a rare and occasional thing rather than a focus of your lives? And after all the communication is done, if there is no middle ground to be reached and swinging is totally off the table, then you don't swing. After all, is sex with someone else really so import that you would consider ending your relationship for it?
Master of Sex
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we have made equity the number one thing in our swinging experience that way we canvass how we both feel and felt. as long as things are equal in participation and involvement and of course the outcomes sexually . we would hope we dont have to make a choice ,about such a ultimatum but we hope communication and care along the way could avoid it.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Mrs Two and i would have to ask why and what bought the discission on. you would have to take in the other persons feelings on the subject. this is where being totally open and honest really comes into play. but id have to say that if mrs two said no more id go with her wish, but somehow i doubt that will happen :rascal:
Forum Virgin
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It is simple for us, If one wants to stop then we both do so.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
this just counts views, not individual views. I have checked on this topic more than once, interested in responses. I am single, but if I was in a relationship and one wanted to stop, then we would both stop, or at least sit down and have a serious discussion about everything to see where things have slipped. Or at least I hope so, seeing as I don't know how this mythical partner feels smile
Warming the Bed
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You either stop, or if it's that impotant to you then you go your separate ways and find another partner who will.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Hot_bastard
Ultimately it comes down to this;
Even ". Compromises have to be made to maintain a partnership, and a successful relationship will find that sweet spot where both are content. " smile

Leaving your partner is not compromise...
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
I would have thought the answer would be obvious! It should never have been a question. RESPECT!. If you respect your partner the answer will come easily to you. If you need to ask the question then that gives a pretty clear indication of lack of respect for your partner...