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Family Day Meet & Greet BBQ Sunday 20th October

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Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hi All
Now that the warmer weather is slowly coming back . Thought i'd arrange another family Day Bbq meet & greet
at Lysterfeild Lake on Sunday 20th October 2013
For those who came to the one's last year Hopefully we will get to see you again . All new people are welcome couple's
single guys & girls bring the kid's have a great day out ...
All are welcome to come along and catch up with some old friends and meet some new ones also.
Please note: this is a 'family' BBQ and kids are allowed and therefore we all need to keep the content of conversation and behaviour in check.
BYO food & drinks so pack up the esky, chairs and picinic blankets to make it a fun relaxing day.
There are a number of free electric BBQ's on site.
Facilities & Activities:
Free Electric BBQ's
There are some picnic tables & benches
Toilet Facilities
Mountain bike tracks
Walking tracks
Swimming (no glass allowed on beach sand)
No Animals Allowed
Times and directions:
Melways Ref 108 D3
The park is open from 8am to 8pm during daylight saving time.
Jen will be there anytime from 8am onwards however, it does get busy and parking can sometimes be a problem.
Enter from Belgrave – Hallam rd into Horswood rd
Once you get in the gates and reach the roundabout turn left and head to the end car park which is the 'beach car park'
Please post here if interested in coming and contact CheekyJen62 for any questions.
We will update more information or changes as required.
Hope to see you all on the day
Hope to see a few there to make this a great day out.
Forum Virgin
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
sorry Jen lol done it again it's my weekend working so won't be able to make it :-(
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Firstly no one take offense to what I'm about to say . I didn't say any thing last time this was suggested, call me gutless. But the nature of this site and the idea of openly mixing it in with a family vibe dose not sit well with me. If I had any kids I would do my damnedest to keep my kid a million miles away from it. We know guys pose as couples here so who else poses as some one else here. I don't want be a downer and I know Jen is A1 and I not saying any one on this site is danger to children. But it just doesn't feel right some how? Am I panicking over nothing? Please reassure me. PS. Yes I know I've pissed people off in the passed. Sorry about that.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
I think you are over reacting. People who are swingers are people first and foremost, and just as you might fnd teachers, nurses, doctors, police officers are secretly swingers ( and I've known swingers in all these capacities), they are also perfectly capable of keeping it in their pants when at a family barbecue. There is NOTHING wrong with or to be ashamed about living a life where you, as a couple, have or desire sex with others outside of your primary relationship. Meeting up socially with others in such a situation offers a chance to interact with others who believe this is an acceptable and desire able way of living. It doesn't mean that those who attend are going to be lining up to sneak off to the toilets for a sneaky blow job. I think that perhaps you may have the wrong idea of this kind of event. I know you were involved in organising a previous meet n greet ( I think) one Sat night, but clearly that was an entirely different setting, crowd, atmosphere. Give credit to others on this site - we know what is right and wrong. If you think you might have trouble with that, then perhaps you are right to stay away.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by tomfun
Firstly no one take offense to what I'm about to say .
I didn't say any thing last time this was suggested, call me gutless. But the nature of this site and the idea of openly mixing it in with a family vibe dose not sit well with me. If I had any kids I would do my damnedest to keep my kid a million miles away from it. We know guys pose as couples here so who else poses as some one else here. I don't want be a downer and I know Jen is A1 and I not saying any one on this site is danger to children. But it just doesn't feel right some how? Am I panicking over nothing? Please reassure me. PS. Yes I know I've pissed people off in the passed. Sorry about that.

How can you start a post with "Firstly no one take offense to what I'm about to say "?
I for one strongly take offence and umbrage at what you have said, and insinuated
I'd like to know just how many family bbq meet and greets YOU have been to, to make any comments and unnecessary judgments on how we, as "swingers" cannot socialise in a "normal" family environment that involves mums and dads and kids, enjoying a day at a lake with like minded people who know how to act accordingly around kids, after all, most of us do have the sensibilities and common social graces to know how to behave when in a public place, unlike some who seem to assume that a meet and greet is some sort of free for all fuckfest ... *shakes her head sadly*
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Shakin head in shame here well done twat and kinky.... ... clearly he has no idea
Forum Virgin
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
To previous comments.. I can not believe some-one would see a family BBQ as sordid. I have been to plenty of lunches and events where there is a family day.. Swingers are people too and also have families.. Grow up
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by tomfun
Firstly no one take offense to what I'm about to say .
I didn't say any thing last time this was suggested, call me gutless. But the nature of this site and the idea of openly mixing it in with a family vibe dose not sit well with me. If I had any kids I would do my damnedest to keep my kid a million miles away from it. We know guys pose as couples here so who else poses as some one else here. I don't want be a downer and I know Jen is A1 and I not saying any one on this site is danger to children. But it just doesn't feel right some how? Am I panicking over nothing? Please reassure me. PS. Yes I know I've pissed people off in the passed. Sorry about that.

You've never been to a family day BBQ Meet & Greet ... So how can you say anything? Maybe you need to actually read the post again ... As it Clearly States .. That singles wether male or female couple's with or without kid's are all welcome..... If you had a kid? Each to their own & on the life style they live . Not everyone can get out to meet other's in the Evening's . A lot of people like to go out with their family 's ... So why not have a bbq meet new people ...
The previous BBQ'S have been a success everyone had a great time even the kid's . Kid's were asking when is the Next one as they were able to meet & make friends as well .. Feed back was great from all those who did attend .. Yes your panicking over nothing as you have never attended ...
Maybe your one we should be worried about ?
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
I know we're all entitled to our opinions, including you tomfun .....but if you've never been to a daytime family M & G how can you question it? I've never been to a family one either so wouldn't make a comment either way but have been to many night time adult ones & even then I've never seen anyone really misbehaving. I would therefore believe that ppl attending a family one would definitely be on their best behaviour. We may be swingers who enjoy flirting with others when we're out but we're not that stupid to be inappropriate with kids around. Give us some credit pls. And to Jen ...keep up the good work. It's ppl like you that allow all of us the chance to meet in a safe way & hopefully have some fun making new friends & whatever else happens. Cheers drinkies
Forum Virgin
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
I am not going to apologise for agreeing with Tom. I would not bring my girls to such an event. There will be people there l dont know and l find it inappropriate to expose my children in such a manner. I get its a family day and other children will be there but who of you can guarantee me that some idiot will not do something inappropriate. We deal with idiots on here daily and this is an open event. So anyone can go and this leaves way too many questions for me as a protective mother. If l knew everyone going and l trusted them then sure l wouldnt have an issue.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
I've never been but I would imagine a family day would be a great deterant and keep the riff raff away? I don't think it's there style they generally turn up to your "sure thing" events! If your worried about your children being exposed to things you do not want them to see.. Then you would never take them out into public! Ive seen worse behaviour at the footy or on the train than i ever had at a swinger event. I don't think a BBQ in the park could be any worse for them. whose to say the last time you went to a park that there wasnt a swingers bbq going on?? really how would you know?? But each to there own!
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Well ... firstly it is very much a personal choice ...from personal experience when my children were young it was difficult to get out and socialize without them .. no family support I would have taken my children.... if anyone was inappropriate they would be deal with in short order.... So a friendly social day is a good option ......I understand some people would have reservations ... on a personal note I do socialize with people on here and our kids are invited... I have never had an issue at all..... I am only speaking from my own experiences ....
Master of Sex
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
All I wish to say life has taught me generally, the doubts you have in others are the secret realisations of yourself Many people lack impulse control and opportunity , drinking, drugs or outright horny may cause some to lack control or social graces these people just dont understand swinging as a lifestyle I am convinced they think its a easy root club , tip there's no such thing , well that we would want to be involved with .
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
When I said 'I don't want to offend' I certainly didn't expect to be offended myself, but some people here seem to start every day on the defensive. That said, No, I have never been to a meet and greet bbq so I have no idea about the safe and caring event it should be. But I have been to a funeral of a dear friend who took his own life because he could never come to terms with the sexual abuse he suffered as a child. And I'm pretty sure his wife would understand my reservations however unfounded. So call me paranoid by all means but to infer anything else about me just because I raised a concern is some thing I take total offense to. I would like to wish you all a lovely day, but some of you need to visit the real world some time. :sad:
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by tomfun
When I said 'I don't want to offend' I certainly didn't expect to be offended myself, but some people here seem to start every day on the defensive.
That said, No, I have never been to a meet and greet bbq so I have no idea about the safe and caring event it should be. But I have been to a funeral of a dear friend who took his own life because he could never come to terms with the sexual abuse he suffered as a child. And I'm pretty sure his wife would understand my reservations however unfounded.
So call me paranoid by all means but to infer anything else about me just because I raised a concern is some thing I take total offense to.
I would like to wish you all a lovely day, but some of you need to visit the real world some time. :sad:

I'm lost; how does a social event for consenting adults and their families have the slightest thing to do with child sexual abuse? It's a BBQ like your local church/scout group/tiddlywinks club would have.
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by tomfun
When I said 'I don't want to offend' I certainly didn't expect to be offended myself, but some people here seem to start every day on the defensive.
That said, No, I have never been to a meet and greet bbq so I have no idea about the safe and caring event it should be. But I have been to a funeral of a dear friend who took his own life because he could never come to terms with the sexual abuse he suffered as a child. And I'm pretty sure his wife would understand my reservations however unfounded.
So call me paranoid by all means but to infer anything else about me just because I raised a concern is some thing I take total offense to.
I would like to wish you all a lovely day, but some of you need to visit the real world some time. :sad:

What you are implying tomfun, is that somehow in your mind - you have gone to a very dark place by saying swinging is somehow associated with - something that wont sit well with the swinging population - you've managed to turn what seems to be (as we've never attended) a friendly family day out into some sort of gathering of monstrous, vile and depraved people.
Question that begs to be asked - was a "swinger" the sexual abuser of your friend?
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Ok everyone .. Let's take this back to what it is ... Jen's Family bbq meet and greet .... Please lets keep this nice and friendly... Tom if you wish to start your own thread on the subject .. that is your choice ... Jazz