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Melb M&G - Sat 15th June - Costume M&G "Playing

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Boys, Girls & Anyone who can't decide...
The June Melbourne M&G is going to be held on Saturday 15th June 2013 and is being held on the Western Side of Town (sharing the east/west love). The June M&G will also be a themed night (i.e. costume party) with the theme being a "Playing Card Party" (Note: Party in this context is a social party NOT a playing party) and as eluded to this is a SOCIAL meet, not a play meet so its all about :cheers: and :welcome:.
For those who are confused about the theme, just think about a deck of playing cards...
- You could come dressed as the Queen of Hearts - or maybe just a Queen...
- You could come dressed as a King - maybe even a Drag King...
- Dress identical and come as a "Pair" or "Three of a kind" etc
- You could come also dressed as a Joker - well as long as you don't come dressed as a better joker than me, otherwise to put it in Luckyone3's terminology "Thats a paddlin" :boxing:smackbottom
Thinking outside of the square, I have some wacky suggestions as well (and now some from others in chat)...
- Come dressed as a Card dealer with the pretty little green cap
- Buy a black man-kini and come dressed as "spades"
- Come dressed as a cave man and bring a "club"
- Dress with all your bling and show us your "diamonds"
- Come wearing a fake toilet and a crown and be "A Royal Flush"
- Stick an Ace card to your forehead and go as "Ace High"
- Come dressed as the Tinman then go "Looking for a Heart"
- Dress as a cat and be "The Kitty"
- If your names Jack wear a black morph suit and be "Black Jack"
- Come dressed as Franko Cozzo (or a druggie) and be "The Dealer"
- Wear a Red/Green/Blue morph suit and come dressed as "Uno"
Now unlike previous M&G's this one will have a cover charge ($10p.p), but that is only because I am buying/giving away some 'Door Prizes', "Best Dressed" and "Most Creatively Dressed" prizes etc. and if there is any money leftover, we may even have some other free prizes/free drinks etc.
So where is the M&G and timings etc. - Well after receiving more rejections than a single bloke on a swingers site :silly::grin: the location is the "Braybrook Hotel" 353 Ballarat Rd, Braybrook VIC (The one with the footballer statues out the front) and the M&G will kick off from 6:30pm in our own little dedicated area (parking and enter from the rear).
What is the plan for the night? Well the plan is people roll in from 6:30 and if you want dinner the bistro is open and apparently the new chef that starts Mid-May is some famous Western/Chinese chef, so now they have a Western + Chinese menu and the area I've got for us you can sit and order meals or just sit and drink (both in the same area) - If all goes to plan, we may even have a few poker tables set up for those who want to drink/chat while others eat. Then from 9pm once people have had something to eat/mingled a bit, the bistro which is next to where we are shuts (at 9pm) and then we get the bistro area PLUS our existing area and that's when we'll be doing the "Best Dressed" and "Most Creatively" catwalk and the party kicks into top gear...
Also could I please ask you to PM me if you plan on going, so I can plan how many random door prizes/best dressed prizes etc I'll need. Lastly, in terms of paying the cover charge "The Boss Lady" will be collecting the money on the night from people and as the name suggests, she will also be Chief Door Bitch. So if anyone plans on misbehaving you'll need one of these :giveup: because she will :sparring::boxing:whip anyone who misbehaves and they will be :scared: same applies for people who arrive "over-hydrated"
Thank you
Hair Gel & The Boss Lady
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
sounds great gel.....but where is it ???? lol Cheers Tiger & Pussy x
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
It will on the Western side of town...someone stole my CBD idea whip rotflmao
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
on the west eh ,,,,best apply for my visa now lol ,,,see you wherever
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Count me in Please....
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
ok ...but you still haven't told us where ???
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by IsThatHairGel
BTW all I've just found out its "Tisme80"'s ( birthday during that week so :cheers::cheers: to Tisme and make sure you all go and say Happy Birthday to her on the night wink

Cheeky man!!! xoxo
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by lonelydad
ok ...but you still haven't told us where ???

Lonely you know what they say about to much masturbating :eeek: all the details are :grin::grin:
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Do they have a website or is there anywhere to get a room for the night?? so we dont have to drive so far home smile That's a smackbottom Gel xo
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Lucky, Google/Wotif/Last Minute etc suggest there are numerous cheap motels nearby and I've pasted some links from the closest ones below - I know previously West City has been popular (mainly because of its reasonable prices), but if you want something a bit more upmarket you're going to have to broaden the search to Flemington/Docklands etc (10-15k's) (<5k's) (<5k's) (<10k's) Hair Gel
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Guys, Just to let you all know the theme is going to be great - the function manager from the venue phoned me and said the managers wanted to dress up in "Las Vegas" style and so obviously I said yes. They've also said, they got some mini roulette tables, a giant poker table and a smaller poker table they're going to put out for us; plus they've got some other decorations floating around from a "Las Vegas Promotion" they are currently running. :thumbup::thrilled::silly::happy: Also I've had some questions about costumes - as long as it fits the theme, your willing to wear it in public, you've kept in mind that it is a social meet and there will be children in other parts of the venue (until 9pm) I'm happy. Lastly, to answer other questions about the door prizes - once people start confirming, I'll be able to finalise the prizes/number of prizes...but the working theory is the first 30 people through the door will get to pick from "The Lucky Dip" and there will be another 20 prizes given away for people who socialise (there will be a game involved); plus the obvious "Best Dressed Male", "Best Dressed Female", "Best Dressed Couple" and "Most Creatively Dressed" Hair Gel
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
we will be there cant wait to meet some more new couples
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
URGENT URGENT URGENT!!!!!! THE MEET HAS BEEN CANCELLED!!!!! Due to flood warning we have had members who are unable to attend and also most importantly IsThatHairGel has been urgently called away to work until Monday night! He is looking to reschedule to a later date.
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Completely pissed of about this. Was told by a single female friend who was gonna attend from country Vic. She was only informed tonight about the M&G in Melbourne via text message that it had been cancelled from another person that was meant to attend. She had paid for a room and would have driven there if she hadn't received a text about it being cancelled. I do understand that circumstances change and thats part of life. But not to message on here and make sure everyone finds out about the cancellation is completely out of order . To only to put URGENT URGENT URGENT on the forum is wrong. I really do hope admin read this and take note. Who knows what could have happened if she had turned up alone there.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Eddie, I understand your disappointment and I apologise for the inconvenience it has caused all! Trust me when I say it was NOT apart of the plan and its not something I could have even factored in or even expected to happen given my position and the time of year. I would also like to thank Lonelydad and Haidee who picked up the ball and helped advise as many people as they could in my absence, because as only a few people know, I was given 1 hour to be packed, dressed and at the transport locations (15 mins from our house) and was only told "you're going to be gone for 3+ days". But to answer your concern, my partner was in the chatroom/forums/messages etc. trying to advise as many people as she could, but she was banned for linking people back into the forums to advise them and told she could only post once in each room without the forum link - but was banned anyway for posting in each separate room. To which she is currently in discussions with admin, because she was banned for 24 hours for something that is NOT in the T&C's and its simply a mod being excitable; which meant that she couldn't advice people and hence why Lonely and Haidee had to pick the ball up for me (and her) so when you say you would like admin to take note, we are 100% behind you! So again I'm sorry for the inconvenience it has caused and I know there was a good turnout expected with prizes and a venue etc. Hair Gel
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
These things happen. We weren't able to attend anyway, but we did find it odd that the event was cancelled because one or two of the key organisers were unavailable. Could you have handed the running of it over to someone else? What's done is done. But perhaps this can be a lesson to others who might like to organise events in future, to have some sort of contingency for things like this.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
shame it got called off due to floods and u being called away,
Sex God
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by IsThatHairGel
I understand your disappointment and I apologise for the inconvenience it has caused all!
Trust me when I say it was NOT apart of the plan and its not something I could have even factored in or even expected to happen given my position and the time of year. I would also like to thank Lonelydad and Haidee who picked up the ball and helped advise as many people as they could in my absence, because as only a few people know, I was given 1 hour to be packed, dressed and at the transport locations (15 mins from our house) and was only told "you're going to be gone for 3+ days".
But to answer your concern, my partner was in the chatroom/forums/messages etc. trying to advise as many people as she could, but she was banned for linking people back into the forums to advise them and told she could only post once in each room without the forum link - but was banned anyway for posting in each separate room. To which she is currently in discussions with admin, because she was banned for 24 hours for something that is NOT in the T&C's and its simply a mod being excitable; which meant that she couldn't advice people and hence why Lonely and Haidee had to pick the ball up for me (and her) so when you say you would like admin to take note, we are 100% behind you!
So again I'm sorry for the inconvenience it has caused and I know there was a good turnout expected with prizes and a venue etc.
Hair Gel

Replied to privately.
It comes under the AUP.
Posting a telephone number, email address or other contact information anywhere in any public area (use private messages).
Sex God
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by EddieByrne
Completely pissed of about this. Was told by a single female friend who was gonna attend from country Vic. She was only informed tonight about the M&G in Melbourne via text message that it had been cancelled from another person that was meant to attend. She had paid for a room and would have driven there if she hadn't received a text about it being cancelled. I do understand that circumstances change and thats part of life. But not to message on here and make sure everyone finds out about the cancellation is completely out of order . To only to put URGENT URGENT URGENT on the forum is wrong. I really do hope admin read this and take note. Who knows what could have happened if she had turned up alone there.

Eddie this as nothing to do with Admin, or the site. This was organized by others, As they stated they had little warning them selves on this matter.