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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 53
0 km · Seaford


Warming the Bed
Well until I find out the reason it was removed if you want it send me a message. As per terms and conditions you can add links and as per this: 11. Linked websites We make no representations whatsoever about any other websites which you may access through the Service. When you access any other website you understand that it is independent from us and that we have no control over the content or availability of that website. In addition, a link to any other website does not mean that we endorse or accepts any responsibility for the content, or the use of, such a website and shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any content, goods or services available on or through any other web or resource. Any concerns regarding any external link should be directed to its website administrator or web master. So with that said if you accept the above then you can message me and I will tell you how I found it. smile
Warming the Bed
REMOVED BY ADMIN Ok this is a pretty good one and is very straight forward. The lolling about yeah expect that lol it's full on.
Warming the Bed
Quote by MistressKitty
Cool, I have had a few guys in the past think that I would be a squirter - because I am naturally a super wet gal ... although I don't know if that is even relevant. But none have been able to get it happening thus far.
I might have to take notes for later! Can someone publish a book or something please smile

M Kitty there is actually a vid that explains it give me a couple and I'll see if I can find it. That's what the other half used, you will know if he's in the right spot they use two fingers go to the spongy bit (don't ask me that's what I've been told lol) and if you feel like you want to pee you're getting there. Now get them to move the position a little at a time you will know when it's the spot as it will be like OMFG lol. The movement is up and down not in and out. I was adamant he wouldn't be able to do it and made a bet one that I lost big time lol.
Leave it with me tho and I'll try and find the link.
Warming the Bed
Quote by 3sum4mylady
Not to sure about all of the above....
I believe that once a girl learns how to squirt (pushing similar to urinating is how she used to explain it), then they can do it almost any or every time...

Yep same for me noone else has ever been able to get me to squirt till my other half now and now as I know what happens I do most of the time with little effort.
Oh and for me the thing others were doing wrong was the pressure was on the wrong spot you're not meant to feel like you need to pee as soon as they hit that spot they need to move their fingers just to the side and them bam not even 2 minutes later lol at least that is what it was for me.
Warming the Bed
Hiya was thinking of organising a meet for us country bumpkins. We're in Ballarat but it would be open to anyone who's happy to travel. Just an idea and too see what other country folk think. Bossy and Gellie
Warming the Bed
Yep I agree with Pax Sarah if we raised enough for wages too oh u soooo have to come we will make them lol
Warming the Bed
Quote by addicted77
A crowd funding account might be the way to go for something like this. Most have the option to set a target, if enough money is pledged then everyones donations are made. If the target isn't reached then no money is transferred and nobody is out of pocket. The only problem is that they often charge a small fee.
Some of the more popular site are listed here.

That is awesome addicted thank you. I will set this up and let everyone know.
Warming the Bed
Yes that's right you heard me we need to get our beautiful Sarah to Australia! All we need to do is donate a dollar or two and if all of us did it imagine what we could do for her!!!!!! Let's show our support of the work she does and the UK team do for us!!!!! And as the ambassador for Swingers Heaven from the UK how awesome would it be to have international support for our site? We need to get Sarah here!!! So come on let's do it!!!!! Bossy
Warming the Bed
Thanks for the replies we still haven't decided we were going to see if any sales pop up in the meantime with any of the airlines and go from there. But definately given us some things to consider.....oh can't wait!!!!!
Warming the Bed
Hi all, In the process of starting the research into booking everything for the Brissy meet and just wanting a bit of feedback on Tiger airways. I've heard they are bad but am tossing up is it worth it to save money to deal with it for a couple of hours? We will be going from Melb to Brissy. It's basically a 2.5 hr flight......just how bad is it? What have been others experiences with them? I've only flown virgin and they were great nothing exciting but then no problems either. Thanks Bossy
Warming the Bed
Quote by Sammi
we didnt cause the earthquakes
or the cyclones
NZ and JAPAN lie on fault lines so do all the other places which experience major earthquakes and Tsunamis etc
The top end of australia gets cyclones for half the year - the tropics only have two seasons - wet and dry
At the end of a long drought the rest of australia gets flooded big time - one extreme to the other.
Its horrible to be in a devasted area, really it is, I now know first hand, and I do feel for everyone who gets affected by natural disasters and loses friends, family, homes, businesses etc. Whether they are in my own backyard or across the otherside of the world.
But why do we always have to find someone to blame for a natural disaster?
They happen, quite often actually just not so close to home, this year has been a big one for high category stuff going on in our regions, but its not anyones fault.
If we live in a region that is more prone, we take precautions and we hope for the best if theres something bad coming, but no matter how quiet some years have been or lucky you have been you shouldnt ever forget how dangerous nature can be.

^^^^^^^^ what she said
Warming the Bed
Quote by bikie
there will be a meet and greet in chelsea in feb

Just a quick question.......
Are we not allowed to organise meets for localised areas like Kinky did? Just so we're aware of what's the go.
Warming the Bed
Ooooh pretty Sammi!!
Merry Christmas everyone hope you have a brilliant holiday period and not get into too many family squabbles lol
Bossy and Gellie
Warming the Bed
Not for me I have to say......I don't like anything that would be anywhere remotely like giving birth lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Warming the Bed
Ok sex it is............. What is the freakiest place you've had sex? That is the topic of the evening lol Me ummmmmmmm in the wardrobe while hiding from in laws lol
Warming the Bed
Imagine how many people will be devestated knowing you were going to play and they miss out mrsb........ Oh well I will have to make do with the forums........ Mmmm ok what topic of convo can we pick? :twisted:
Warming the Bed
OMG how am I sposd to get through the oo tt tth h ee ssss hhhhaa kkk eee ssss nnnee eed ddd mmmyy cccc hhhaaa tttttt
Warming the Bed
I'm with you Sammi I hate them. I also happen to think they are something you did back in high school. Sorry if you're the person who does like them. I personally think it's tacky to see an adult with mega ass hickies very visible. Just seems trashy to me.
Warming the Bed
Quote by Ausxsupply
Hey girls. What about anal to mouth?

A big fat fuck no!!! lol That is just so disgusting on so many levels, let alone the whole germ thing. Now where is that vomit smiley........
Warming the Bed
Looks 10 years younger than she is, is one of the brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr girls, has 5 kids
Warming the Bed
Quote by TheRose
*puts flame proof vest on*
But does she wash the dishes, clean clothes and cook dinner?
*runs very very very very fast*

Knows bossy will get you. smile
lol and I did too badly even tho I didnt mean it that badly.......someone has a really sore nose now lol oops
Warming the Bed
I think it's due to the fact that most other sites you have to pay.....these tossers won't pay so come here and hassle us. Just don't feed the animals and the zoo will be ok.... lol but I'm with chicki the mods do an awesome job much more than a lot of people realise.....
Warming the Bed
Quit! What do you mean quit? No Rosie you can't leave us....please tell me that's not what you meandunno:sad: