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Xtras only room

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Forum Virgin
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
First of all we'd like to say how great this site and have made so many good new friends. However there is only one area of the site we are a little uncomfortable with and that is that anyone cam make up a profile and come into the chatroom and view cams. We love to go on cam and interact with others as a group but we feel our discreation will be compromised. This was brought home to me the other day when i heard a couple of guys at work telling another guy how they have made profiles up on here and they can go in the chatroom and have a sticky beak and see if their friends or naighbours are on here and its free. While we dont want to stop anyones fun we wondered if you guys think it would be a good idea to have a section of the chatroom that was for xtras members only ( like we have the pool bar, beach bar etc) that only allowed xtras members in then people have the option of being in a somewhat private area or in the public domain. This would also be an added insentive for others to become paid members. What does everyone else think?
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Just to let you know, the first room on the chatroom room list is called Extras Lounge where only those with extras can get into. Not that i've ever seen anyone in there ... dunno
Forum Virgin
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Lol thanks for that i just seen it. but it says its unlocked does that mean unlocked for everyone or just exras members?
Sex God
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
UUMMMMMMMM if answer to one part of statement. Since may of last year. No one can make up a profile and come into chat. At that time, chat became a paid part of the site. So if your work mates are saying this. PPPPTTTTTT If profiles are fake and reported, they 95% of the time have a week to verify, them self's. So if you know their name.. Drop admin/moderators a name. And it get be looked into. Now if your worried about being seen, then you could always make a password protected room, and sit in 2 rooms, not on cam at the time, and invite those you know who are real, into the password room, when you think you have the numbers you, want, you leave the public room, and then turn your cam on. Please understand just because they seem real, doesnt mean they are. Most of the folks with extras, have been here, here since the beginning of chat. Some have paid for it since, doesnt always mean safety.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by newfantasyfun
Lol thanks for that i just seen it. but it says its unlocked does that mean unlocked for everyone or just exras members?

Just to let you know, the first room on the chatroom room list is calledExtras Lounge where only those with extras can get into.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
"Now if your worried about being seen, then you could always make a password protected room, and sit in 2 rooms, not on cam at the time, and invite those you know who are real, into the password room, when you think you have the numbers you, want, you leave the public room, and then turn your cam on. Please understand just because they seem real, doesnt mean they are. " I don't agree with above. Why not make it like chat requests - those that want to view your cam have to be approved by the cammer. It's available on other adult sites so it's possible. Always nicer to have options rather than an absolute rule. Like most members here, we don't like doing a private cam away from a room we're having fun in.
Sex God
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by GoodandGreedy
"Now if your worried about being seen, then you could always make a password protected room, and sit in 2 rooms, not on cam at the time, and invite those you know who are real, into the password room, when you think you have the numbers you, want, you leave the public room, and then turn your cam on. Please understand just because they seem real, doesnt mean they are. "
I don't agree with above. Why not make it like chat requests - those that want to view your cam have to be approved by the cammer. It's available on other adult sites so it's possible.
Always nicer to have options rather than an absolute rule. Like most members here, we don't like doing a private cam away from a room we're having fun in.

Well we arnt like other sites.. Well except for our sister and parent sites. That is. But your welcome to send that to the techies as feedback.
And in all honesty... wheres the difference? between what i just said and you just said?
I find your point and mine are similar, just different ways of doing it, but both lead to the same thing, privacy and trust in members.
The site rooms are public rooms... for everyone that can access chat. Which means every one can watch.. Now if they make a private room. they have control over whom comes in, specially in a passworded room. They have control over who see's their cam. And depending on what they want to show, they could be very much like alot of members who have no heads.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
you can also be in two rooms and only have your cam going in one of those rooms. I do that frequently
Sex God
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Haidee
you can also be in two rooms and only have your cam going in one of those rooms. I do that frequently

that too haidee.. thank you for reminding me smile
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by GoodandGreedy
"Now if your worried about being seen, then you could always make a password protected room, and sit in 2 rooms, not on cam at the time, and invite those you know who are real, into the password room, when you think you have the numbers you, want, you leave the public room, and then turn your cam on. Please understand just because they seem real, doesnt mean they are. "
I don't agree with above. Why not make it like chat requests - those that want to view your cam have to be approved by the cammer. It's available on other adult sites so it's possible.
Always nicer to have options rather than an absolute rule. Like most members here, we don't like doing a private cam away from a room we're having fun in.

This has been brought up many times to the Admin team and they choose not to do it. When you enter chat you confirm that you have read, understood and abide by the Chatroom Terms and Conditions and the site Acceptable Use Policy. In the chatroom terms and conditions it states:
By using a webcam you give consent for others to watch what is displayed on it.
But as Rose said, if you wish to submit a request for a change you can contact the Admin team via the contact page.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Just because this is so NOW, what's wrong with suggestions? Suggestions for the site are offered as an improvement and what would be more beneficial for members, not just what Admin (and a few mods) deem to be so. After all it's us members that use the site. If many have suggested it like myself then I must not be the only one. I'm well aware of the T & Cs.
Sex God
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by GoodandGreedy
Just because this is so NOW, what's wrong with suggestions?
Suggestions for the site are offered as an improvement and what would be more beneficial for members, not just what Admin (and a few mods) deem to be so. After all it's us members that use the site.
If many have suggested it like myself then I must not be the only one. I'm well aware of the T & Cs.

No one said anything was wrong with suggestion.. We both said.. hey send it along to admin.
Im not sure what you meant about the *not just what admin not just what Admin (and a few mods) deem to be so.*
Because i know i didnt deem to be so anything. You was given information as was the op, on what was asked.
As to that this as been talked about many times, and this is what admin as chosen as this time. If you have a problem, that the information given is wrong, then your welcome to take this up with admin ...
Considering the growth of the site... I would say, admin as chosen wisely and deemed as they have, the very best at this time, for the site. If this changes at any time, as in what as been suggested, Im sure admin will let us know, so we can pass this all on to members smile
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
I'm not sure where anyone said there was anything wrong with suggestions? But here is some background on this situation. Admin run this site alongside a lot of others worldwide, they all have the same public video chatrooms. In the years we have had chatrooms on this site the amount of people who prefer other websites ways of having you to accept requests have been quite small in comparison to those who really don't care or really like the fact that the chatrooms on this site are true public video chatrooms. The main rooms are public and they will stay that way and that also means the cams are public. Admin, however, created the ability for members to be able to join a user room (either private or public) and public room and then choose which room to have cam in so people could still have some privacy and join in on a conversation or view others in a public room. Haidee already mentioned this earlier smile The members have created many changes on site in the past and we hope they create many more for the betterment of the site. This is why even if Admin have said no to a change in the past we still suggest all suggestions go directly to Admin via the contact page. There is strength in numbers. Unfortunately for those few who want this change, and this is my personal opinion on the matter not a moderator one, I think this will have to be worldwide numbers and not just Australian for any change to be made.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Infinite sky, your posts are always clearly written and articulate. Thank you for that.