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possible new party location

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Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
hey guys we are thinking of starting a swingers club in melton as a commercial business we are asking people to offer their views on what they would like to see at a swingers club and what kind of parties people are after? we are not yet definite about starting one up as we are doing a survey to see how many people would be interested in having it and how many times roughly they would visit the venue. we will be holding different kinds of parties and themes ie: gay bi straight cpls tv nights and days at different times and we are looking at holding an all in orgy every few months depending on what people want. so at the moment we are only looking for feedback on what everyone would like to see in a club and what kind of themes people are after btw the venue will be in melton. cheers naomi and pete
Forum Virgin
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
We just love the shadow screen in clubs Z Z
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
couples club has private rooms with long slots where people can look in and glory holes at various hieghts. bit more light would be good. i liked thier group room and the swing and bondage wall they have a bar where you bring your own drink and they serve you. i think some nibblies on the bar would be a good idea too. maybe a voyuers room where people sit around a padded stage where others can show off and invite others to join them. theres lockers for each person/couple who turn up. price will be a big thing as well.
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hate to be a party pooper, but what consideration have you made to seek council approval? There is always a competitor, unhappy patron or some sticky beak devil dodger that will report you to council, even after approval is granted. Approval for one club that I know of cost almost $50000, $22000 of that was in water charges where no change to water was made. A quick google of Melton City Council returns a 'report' from a 6:30pm weeknights show on the problems within that Council. I wish you all the best, the more party locations, the better.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by naturecouple
Hi guys, did you ever give it a go?
we did go and see council about it nature but we were quickly shown the door sad we have moved from melton since then as well