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Atrocious Behavior @ BHR

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Hi Fellow Doggers, I have been seething since yesterday after I witnessed some of the worst dogging behavior in my life and thought I should post this experience here for all to know. To begin with I am a single male with 15 years plus of dogging experience, I am extremely polite and patient and have never been aggressive, which are the two main qualities of a dogger and quite a few cpls on this site and singles can vouch for that. Well ladies and gentlemen I experienced exactly the opposite yesterday. I had an afternoon off and decided to visit various locations that are known to attarct couples around Sydney. I started with Lane Cove park at around with no luck, then onto Wentworth Common at Homebush Bay again with little luck. Onto SW bridge, lots of gay guys but not cpl action and finally onto BHR. When I parked in BHR there was a car parked right next to me and it had darkened windows and I had no idea that there was a couple in the back. Anyway after I parked and took a phone call I saw some movement and noticed the cpl in the back seat.I looked away but decided to stay in the car and not walk out. Kept stealing glances and could discern some movement in the back. After about 10mins the back door sprung open and I thought they were leaving however, no one came out and when I stole a glance I saw the lady lying down with her head on the far rear door. I was still wondering what was going on when a Dude who was hanging around walked right up to the rear door. and stood there looking. I then realized that the guy had opened the door to give himself room to go down on the lady in the back seat. They knew I was in the car so obviously they did not mind me being there, however when this dude walked right up to the door and was staring at the action with his tongue hanging out the guy stopped and shut the door and that unfortunately was THAT sadbanghead They then stayed in the car for the next 45 mins or so, but I could not see much as the windows were darkened and my inconsiderate fellow dogger just drove away. spoiling it for me and the cpl concerned. Anyway I decided to hang around and after driving down to get a coffee cam back at around and parked in the area closer to the toilets about 7 car spaces away from the toilet. There was already a car white Toyota Corolla Hatch parked in the space next to the toilet. 5 mins after I parked another car drove up and parked between the Corolla and my car closer to the Toyota then to me. However I could make out that there was a driver and someone in the back. As soon as the car stopped there was activity in the car and I could make out the person in the drivers seat reaching out for the person in the back. Another 5 mins later the driver got out and went to the back and I could see action start up in earnest. LO AND BEHOLD a guy who was in the WHITE TOYOTA COROLLA got out and came around to the back of the car with the cpl and started looking in. The cpl could see him but continued doing what they were doing.........and our "friend" IMMEDIATELY moved right up to the back window and started looking in whilst opening his fly. Activity still continued but then this dude decided he needed an even better look and got even closer, at which point the back door closer to me opened and an awesome looking gal jumped out and looked directly at this guy. After a few minutes she asked him if was alright and he said "yes but I thought you were dogging", to which the lady said what ??? and the guy repeated "dogging". The lady then said do you want to watch and he said yes !! to which the lady said no they were not then took a few steps back towards his car and started to slowly back away. The lady got back in the car and the activity started again. I could not believe my eyes when I saw this DUDE still hang around this time from a the other side of his car trying to look in :mad::borg::banghead: And then it got worse, another Dude who had been hanging around and had previously peered into my car joined this guy next to his WHITE TOYOTA COROLLA. I COULD NOT BELIEVE THIS WAS HAPPENING. This I guess was the last straw and both the guy and gal got out sat in the front and drove off. WTF. I have never seen such foolish and ignorant people in my life. The couple obviously wanted an audience otherwise they would not have parked between two cars with blokes in them. They did not stop and the lady even politely told the dude to "Fuck Off". If only he had had the sense to quietly sit in his car and watch they would have put on a great show. I have seen that cpl there before and they don't mind an audience but obviously did not like aggressive behavior. As soon as they left I got out and gave this guy a piece of my mind and told him to his face what an idiot he was. To which his response was "too bad I spoiled your evening". He kept mumbling and saying no I did not do this, but when I recanted the whole conversation and his actions and told him to learn something for the future and have some patience. His answer was "I will do what I want". How friggin dumb can people be. Chances like this one come once in a blue moon and idiots like this have to not only spoil it for themselves and fellow doggers but more importantly for the couple, who may or may not ever come back again and I don't blame them. Just so that everyone knows this idiot drives a WHITE TOYOTA COROLLA hatch back and supports a beard. If you see him please let him know what he did was unacceptable. Frustrated Surdy
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
I agree I have seen that clown around before doing a similar thing. All I can say is karma is a very vengeful elephant!!!
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
That is seriously out of order. Do these people have no manners at all? They ruin it for those of us that behave. Not good.
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Sadly there are different levels of intelligence in the human race. A lot I men haven't been laid in such a long time that thy feel the urge to move in quick or miss out. Seen it at birdie beach too. Also seen guys telling other people to get out so only he gets to see the action (reminds me of seagulls fighting over food). We just have to share the world with these ignorant people.