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Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Went down to Maslins the other night with my girlfriend and sat on the beach. While i took my gear off my girlfriend didnt, though she was wearing a see thru top. Had guys come over and start touching her without asking, and when we went to leave one guy tried to pull her knickers down and fuck her. At no time did she give anybody the ok to touch or anything else. So what im saying is this. BLOODY ASK FIRST. Also dont follow back up to the cars and start jerking at the closed window. So if any of the guys who were there doing this. WAKE UP AND FOLLOW THE RULES.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Yes i couldnt agree with me more on that point
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
In short; absolutely disgusting. That's not dogging, it's assault, and should be treated as such. I'm sorry to hear you had such a vile experience. Words continue to fail me, but rest assured I choked on my sandwich when I read that.
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Yes, that guy wasn't a swinger or a dogger, he was a PERVERT!!! I feel embarassed for you reading that. Poor fool must think that standing next to your car window and jerking off will make you and your girlfriend horny, and you wil ask him to get into the car. I have been in the situation of sitting on a train and noticed the guy in the opposite seat jerking off while he looked at me; it just made me angry and annoyed and I got up and went to another carriage. As I have said, he was nothing but a sick PERVERT!!!
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Perhaps if you'd wound down the window, let him stick his unwelcome dick inside, then jammed that window right back up!
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Ha ha! Yes wind the window up and do laps of the carpark; give him a some exercise!
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Perhaps you could have a small fire extingisher availabel to douse this wankers fire lol
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
A shame you had to recount such a situation but well said and well done for doing so. As with most experiences in life it is the actions of a few that often spoil it for the rest. I trust your gf will understand it is a reflection of that individual, not her behaviour or the scenario. I am often told that when I host events my language and posture is arrogant and blunt....and it is. It weeds out the idiots such as the fellow you spoke of. It is important to speak up and ensure any participant is aware of "our rules of play". Enjoy the play you find in the future.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Thankyou all for the positive feedback. Its good to know that we arent alone. Sadly though we have both decided that we wont be going down to the beach anymore because of those kind of people. I know that most are genuine and nice. But the situation that these people put us in was unsettling and possibly dangerous. Not to mention that with somebody standing at the window jerking on a summers night and the cops doing rounds of the carpark, i dont want to be getting any grief of them either. Maybe sometime in the future we will give it another go But to all the good people out there Happy Doggin smile
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
I have to admit I expected you to give dogging a miss in the future after such an horrific time. Remember though there's always the opportunity to find the right people with whom to have some private and respectful fun. And you're in the right place to find such swingers. Best of luck as you move on, and I think you've reminded us that the dogging scene we love so much is in need of constant monitoring. Perhaps if real doggers left Maslins alone we wouldn't continue to encourage scum like this. Or perhaps I'm being too optimistic.
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Just absolutely disgraceful behaviour.... I don't blame you both for never going back again. Feel sorry for the both of you.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
I do hope if any of them are members here that they read this and change their attitude... that behaviour is disgusting and potentially dangerous. It highlights one of the potential risks of dogging (or going to a nude beach) though, so it is really important that you know how to handle yourself, or even make sure that you arent alone or that someone knows where you have gone.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Just as a foot note to my previous threads My girlfriend is going back to the Philippines on sunday, and no we havnt been back to MB. So i will be flying solo now sad
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Darklost
Went down to Maslins the other night with my girlfriend and sat on the beach. While i took my gear off my girlfriend didnt, though she was wearing a see thru top. Had guys come over and start touching her without asking, and when we went to leave one guy tried to pull her knickers down and fuck her. At no time did she give anybody the ok to touch or anything else. So what im saying is this. BLOODY ASK FIRST. Also dont follow back up to the cars and start jerking at the closed window. So if any of the guys who were there doing this. WAKE UP AND FOLLOW THE RULES.

Thats come creepy shit mate, did you not anticipate & react first (say hey hey..look but don't touch buddy) ?
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Guys, I am really disturbed to hear this story. I cant believe that people can actually do things like this and then actually look at themselves in the mirror. What happened to you is nothing short of sexual assault or at the very least common assault, I do go to maslin at times & I do sometimes feel uncomfortable there even on my own. I am by no means a shrinking violet or look like the type of guy who would let himself be intimidated but these kind of people have no thought for anyone but themselves & need to be made responsible for their actions. What I am personally going to do is this; -If I am on the beach & see anything like that & he people on the receiving end look in distress or need help, I am going to go & politely ask if they are ok -If they say they do need help & the dickhead causing the trouble doesnt bugger off, I am going to break their fucking legs for them -It is my sincere belief that ANYONE should be able to use the beach and feel 100% safe doing so, male, female or couple These people are nothing but scum & its a real shame that the few bad apples really do ruin the enjoyment of the whole lot. Again I really to sympathise with you and you girlfriend & wish you nothing but the best in your futures.