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Westgate Park - spoilt by idiots.

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Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
We are down from Sydney on a bit of a holiday. Each night we spent time at Westgate Park. Being very new to all this, we started slowly, not venturing out of the car, happy to sit and watch the endless procession of cars in and out. One afternoon last week we took a walk and found a nice picnic table near a clearing, and got down and dirty. Any watchers were very discreet and kept their distance. It was wonderful. The night time however, is a whole other story. At night we would sit in the car, listening to music, watching, browsing this site on our phones. We were aware that there is another regular couple there each night, and we would watch them wander into the park, sometimes in the company of a few males. Good for them. What has turned us away from the place, and should be a warning to other newbie couples, is there are a handful of single guys there, some who are more regular than others, who behaved like complete creeps and are plain crude. One guy we watched as he walked from car to car looking into every window. He got to our wndow, which was closed. We were not playing at the time, but that didnt stop him standing at my window, peering inside expectantly. Hubby asked him "can I help you?" He sad "ummm no" so hubby told him to keep his nose out of our car, and off he scurried. Up went my window so he went around to hubby's side and stood there trying to look casual. Rather than hubby get out and thump him, we drove off. We saw another couple arrive and watched as they walked into the park, followed by the same creepy guys. That's when we thought 'fuck this' and left. The creeps and weirdos there are spoiling it. We did have fun, but because of the creepy and intimidating actions of some of the regulars, including. Guy who stands on the picnic table spitting on the ground every two minutes, there mght have been more of a show. To the good guys that we saw, thank you for your respect. Especially the guy in the white European Sports Car who waited back one nigt ;)
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hi, I was down there last night for the first time in the dark. I have been during the day but mainly for walking as it is close to work. I was amazed how many creeps that just follow couples around as if they are bait. I managed to see a young couple plying for a while last night and at the start the creeps with the hurts off and bike guy were there. By the end there was only 2 of us watching the couple. I did here that someone said you were cops sitting there. I think your hubby did say something to he guy I was walking with but we didn't mean anything by peeking into your car. Maybe it is known by too many people now. The real cops came past last night as well. If you need a ,single guy to play with, get into contact with me.
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Quote by newlysingle72
Later, we had two other guys looking into my window. Hubby said g'day and was immediately asked if we were police! Seriously! This guy then accused us of having a video camera, pointing at my mobile phone holder stuck on my windscreen. What an idiot! They walked off again. Little did he know, moments before he stuck his head in my window, hubby's cock was deep down my throat.

Hahahaha what drongos!
And given the amount of activity and fuckwits creeping around it's just a matter of time before mass arrests take place.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hi Newlysingle72 that was us that you walked past last night. Yes It was creepy and very busy, It's not normally like that. If you still around by all means approach us say hello and we can go for a walk and show you around. Take care and hopefully see you soon.
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
I was going to say hello but wasn't sure if you ere there to play. So you were the couple that saw the possum come out of the toilet! Maybe you could PM me for next time. I would like to play with you. Maybe we could play at brimbank park one night :-)
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hi slvester, Lucky possum he got to see more of you. :smile: As for playing our profile states that we are looking for couples at the moment. You are more than welcome to say hello. Take care.
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
The possum did scare me! I did look at your profile so good luck for the future. Maybe one day I may be one of those lucky "strangers"
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Hi Guys, We were the other couple. Bella musica, I guess you are the hot brunette we asked about in one of the other posts.... and newly single, I guess you were at the other end of the carpark. We went for a stroll on the paths (looking for bella...) and "my god!" we felt like the pied piper. The bike guy freaked us out aswell! One of the guys followed us so close that the Mrs actually asked him if he liked her perfume ( I dont think he understood sarcasm ). Guys relax, hang back take a valium! Lots of love smile
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Yes, same things happen here in Perth. Guys get so close they scare the couples away and no one has any fun. Chill it guys, let things take it course and all shall benefit.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Well we have thought about going dogging but after reading this there's not a chance in hell. Not stereotyping all guys but a lot of them need serious help,We have been to club X in dandy once and yes the wife enjoyed the attention and only one guy was a bit pushy but only had to be told to back off once. But they could at least make sure they are clean and well presented if they expect to get in on the action,i mean i wouldn't want some dirty guy touching my wife and i wouldn't expect her to do it. We have decided it's best to pick the guys ourselves and meet at a motel if if they seem really nice have them over,at least you can get someone that is decent that way. And the nude beach is another problem,now i love guys looking at my wife but when they set their towel down so they are right in front so they can look up between her legs,well thats just creepy and wrong. We always get there early to get a good spot and always there are single guys scattered around and thats fine,But many times after we set up a single girl will turn up and as soon as she picks a spot the guys all move in like seagulls around a chip bag FFS guys you wonder why not many single women get down there, treat them with a bit of respect just because a woman is naked at the beach does not mean she wants to fuck you and ten of your mates, Same thing in dogging , a couple might like to put on a show ,not knowing a lot about it but from what i understand is that if they want you around they will put the interior light on. Chill out make sure your clean ,dont be a creep and you might get somewhere.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by melbnudistcpl
Well we have thought about going dogging but after reading this there's not a chance in hell.
Not stereotyping all guys but a lot of them need serious help,We have been to club X in dandy once and yes the wife enjoyed the attention and only one guy was a bit pushy but only had to be told to back off once.
But they could at least make sure they are clean and well presented if they expect to get in on the action,i mean i wouldn't want some dirty guy touching my wife and i wouldn't expect her to do it. We have decided it's best to pick the guys ourselves and meet at a motel if if they seem really nice have them over,at least you can get someone that is decent that way.
And the nude beach is another problem,now i love guys looking at my wife but when they set their towel down so they are right in front so they can look up between her legs,well thats just creepy and wrong.
We always get there early to get a good spot and always there are single guys scattered around and thats fine,But many times after we set up a single girl will turn up and as soon as she picks a spot the guys all move in like seagulls around a chip bag FFS guys you wonder why not many single women get down there, treat them with a bit of respect just because a woman is naked at the beach does not mean she wants to fuck you and ten of your mates, Same thing in dogging , a couple might like to put on a show ,not knowing a lot about it but from what i understand is that if they want you around they will put the interior light on.
Chill out make sure your clean ,dont be a creep and you might get somewhere.

Well said it is the idiot seagulls that ruin it for the decent genuine guys out there that have respect and wait for couples to "get set" before going for a look and waiting to be invited to play!
Get a clue you fucking clowns!!!
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
We enjoyed reading thes posts as we can relate to alot of what is said here, we have had simmilar experiences in our dogging times such as the time we were playing on one of our popular beaches, we saw a guy watching from the dunes which we were enjoying, as we got into it more he came closer, again all good, all of a sudden he pulled his pants off and started to put a condom on!, we ofcourse packed up and left...there was also a time when we were playing on a popular look out spot here with another couple opposite us on another beanch, a couple of guys watching all of us, the couple quickly packed up and left, one of the guys said they got scared off, we soon found out why, a guy quite clearly on something, shirt off and cock out came right over to us and started to rub mrs shoulders with his cock waving in her face, we decided to go for a walk to 're group', he followed us every where we tried to go, we asked him to give us some space, and while beating his cock like it owed him money said he wanted to watch us.......we packed up and left without having fun... we also went to a popular beach car park here one afternoon, one guy was there so we started to play a bit in the car and let him watch from out side, before long he was laying on our bonett, face pushed up to the wind screen making moaning sounds and a couple of times tried to open the locked car doors, ofcourse we told him to fuck off, and made a hastey retreat with out having fun...we have had alot of other experiences with guys crowding around our car or following us from one end of the beach to the other and back again, but we do put our selves in these places to have fun and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt, so guys, like others are saying here, couples need a little space, esspecially to get a little warmed up and started before standing right next to the car or sitting right at the door step of the beach tent..having said that we have meet alot of very respectful guys from the site and often have a chat with us and even helped us shoo away the un welcome...just our 2 cents worth!, cheers
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by weRup4fun
Hi Guys,
We were the other couple. Bella musica, I guess you are the hot brunette we asked about in one of the other posts.... and newly single, I guess you were at the other end of the carpark. We went for a stroll on the paths (looking for bella...) and "my god!" we felt like the pied piper. The bike guy freaked us out aswell! One of the guys followed us so close that the Mrs actually asked him if he liked her perfume ( I dont think he understood sarcasm ).
Guys relax, hang back take a valium!
Lots of love smile

Hi weRup4fun, we are the other couple and that's a nice compliment. Thank you biggrin . Maybe next time we will cross over one another in the park and have a chat. We are use to the guys following and they do get close. Love the sarcasm but unfortunately some people don't get it . wink .
Hope to see you soon take care.
love bellamusica :inlove:
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Playing devil's advocate here, but in some ways the problem stems from the same old "far too many guys" issue. If a couple are putting on a display, guys flock around "like seagulls" just because there are so many of them and they all want to see. If guys are considerate enough to not gather in crowds, then only the first few get a look and so there is benefit to shadowing a couple and rushing in as soon as you can - otherwise you miss out. Obviously this doesn't relate to the handful of idiots who simply behave badly, but if you're going to put yourself on display at a place as well populated as WGP then you have to expect a certain amount of seagull behaviour. If that's not your thing then try a less well known dogging venue - which is exactly what we do.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
The point is, even when we werent 'on display' and simply sitting in our car, fully clothed, with the windows up, there is never any justification for standing next to our car, with cock in hand, expecting us to do anything at all. We were there for OUR pleasure. Not the pleasure of a bunch of desperate or disgusting people with no respect or decency. We are not a service to others. We shouldnt feel obliged to 'perform' on command. Youre right, that place is not for us. We hoped for a better experience but we know now that we wont get it at that place. Hoping that the people in Sydney have better manners.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by newlysingle72
The point is, even when we werent 'on display' and simply sitting in our car, fully clothed, with the windows up, there is never any justification for standing next to our car, with cock in hand, expecting us to do anything at all.
We were there for OUR pleasure. Not the pleasure of a bunch of desperate or disgusting people with no respect or decency. We are not a service to others. We shouldnt feel obliged to 'perform' on command.
Youre right, that place is not for us. We hoped for a better experience but we know now that we wont get it at that place.
Hoping that the people in Sydney have better manners.

Labelling all at wgp with the same tag is just an absolute crock of sh!t. 95% of people who frequent the park are fine and respectful to all. Yes there are a few that crowd couples when they arrive, or one particular person who has already been mentioned on here that just goes up to windows willy nilly to have a peek, but on the whole the majority of doggers who go to the park are fine . This thread is just a massive over reaction to the actions of a small hand full.
Given the ramped up police activity in the park over recent times it is hardly surprising that a few people may have thought that a couple who just park in the car park for hours for nights on end , without fraternising with anyone else, and who are continually playing with electronic gadgets in their car, may be police. Yes you may have been there for your own pleasure, and fair enough, aren't we all? But you are criticising others for strange behaviour when you are actually well and truly guilty of suspicious behaviour yourselves
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Please read the original post where I praised the decency of some of the guys there and made it clear that It is only some of the guys who spoil it for the rest. As for 'electronic gadgets' I know that mobile phones are a fancy new technology thing that many people have never seen before and certainly here was no one else sitting in their cars playing with their phones. /sarcasm... As for us fraternising with others, it is our right to chose who we play with and who we don't. Just because you missed out should not be cause for making assumptions as to our intentions.
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Blame Friday night on the hot weather. Too any freaks!
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
It's not just bad for couples but also single men too, I'm sick of the dirty c***s that assume they can grab my package just because I'm there. Whatever happened to "Hey how are ya" with a hardy hand shake, now it's "Can I suck it" with a cock grab. It's a damn shame that what it is. I have been fortunate enough to watch and join in at WGP. To those who continue to wonder why they can't "score" at WGP or any other Dogging location, it's all about body language and presentation. Rant over.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Now that's a excellent point! We had similar last night going for our walks two dude's come up beside us "Hi guys are we playing tonight" like really guys even if we were going to you just screwed it up. Learn how to stand back enjoy what you see wait for a invite if there is one,Harassing couples or guys as freedom2012 said is a joke the more you uneducated and disrespectful creatures are the less you going to get! 90% of the guys at WGP call themselves "Doggers" pffffffff got news for you guys you have no clue what so ever and very uneducated. loon.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hi All, I thought this might interest some: Dogging actually derives from the term 'walking the dog'. It is a pastime that has evolved from blokes taking their dogs for walks and stumbling across couples at it in bushes etc. They originally only spied on these couples. ************* So guys, relax, dont plan, dont hurry and you may get lucky........ If not, you will at least get a fucking hot show that you can pull yourself for weeks after! Lots of love
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Add to all that the Golf practise night the Mothers Club were teeing off from the picnic tables in front of the carpark to see who could get the furtherest lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Marshmellows on the fires,what are they gonna do next?Set up camp? :lol:
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by HornyHansel
Add to all that the Golf practise night the Mothers Club were teeing off from the picnic tables in front of the carpark to see who could get the furtherest lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Marshmellows on the fires,what are they gonna do next?Set up camp? :lol:

Lets not forget the hoon that comes into the car park flat out and shines his lights on each car. Also walks around looking for couples in there cars stands in front of them, chases them from one car park to another which spooked newlysingle72 in the first place. Also follows couples out the car park when they drive out. To top that off, spreads stories on couples and post it on here and other websites to try make themselves look good.
Try judging yourself before judging others! banghead
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
We have to ask... A couple nights, we noticed a white vehicle park in the corner of the main carpark until very very late, and a female 'looking' person spending a few minutes of company with multiple guys. Too dark to know what was going on for certain, but we kinda guessed. Can anybody elaborate or share any stories??
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Well there you go smile Good for 'her'. I wonder if all the guys who spent 'quality time' in her car, had all the facts :)
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
They must know.... It is/was kinda blatantly obvious...
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Much action at wgp of late? Going to be a pleasantly warm evening tonight , we might go take a walk in the park
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Went to wgp on my own earlier tonight as ally got caught up. It was relatively busy, few cars coming in and out, few guys standing around talking. Spied a couple rock up in a 4wd and immediately park down the far end of the car park. No lights came on or anything but after a while a few guys were congregating in the area so I wandered over for a look. Lo and behold there was a gorgeous lady naked in the front passenger seat, but probably spooked by the number of guys around they started up the car and left. What happened after that is one of the main reasons single guys get a bad wrap - 3 or 4 of the blokes bolted to their cars and tailed the couple as they left the park. Absolute idiots - take the hint guys
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
A georgeous lady naked at WGP. This is enough to make me return to WGP after a long absence. And Stevo seems like he is not one to bullshit. It seems like WGP is seeing its fair share of fun lately. What time did the hottie arrive naked Stevo?