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finding it hard to meet cpls that do want to play

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Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
just wanting to know who else is finding it hard to meet cpls as there is just so many single males or to many tyre kickers that are just talking bull shit
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
My success rate here has been aweful. Just been able to get replies from a few and could meet only one couple and one female. However, I couldn't get to have any fun with them though I got close to being intimate. I've had better luck with another site where I've able to fish with greater success.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
We get a lot of attention from single men but how does that help me as I'm not bi sexual at all and can only enjoy watching my mrs fuck others so many times before I need a fix of another women's touch so I feel for you single blokes but at the same time I know a lot of cpls that no longer advertise cause of the bull shit they go through when we ask for no males we seem to get flooded with there bull shit offers. We have met cpls and played and had fun but they are in the same boat they feel this site is getting lost in the over whelming numbers of people that say they play but don't or send one msg and you reply to never hear from them again it's just out of control or chat rooms where the topics range from what I had for lunch to how I do up my shoes. Wish the Internet only swingers would advertise they are only interested in Internet games and not real life meets. As we like to fuck real people not play with ourselves in front of some one.
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We threw our profile up about a week ago and also said We didnt want to be contacted by single guys and that if we wanted one 'we would find him' and what happend on day 2? We were contacted by a single guy via PM saying "he would love to play" WTF? So have to agree with you, finding couples who like to actually play can be a great task. wink
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Just a word of advice, as a couple... if you send a msg along the lines of "m33 syd, 8 inch uncut cock, love to meet up for sexy fun", you're probably not going to have a great deal of success. The people we have played with, we have chatted to in depth, then met socially, prior to any fun. If you're not prepared to put in the effort, rather than requesting a quick fuck, I don't like your chances, and rightfully so.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by Horny_couple29
Just a word of advice, as a couple... if you send a msg along the lines of "m33 syd, 8 inch uncut cock, love to meet up for sexy fun", you're probably not going to have a great deal of success. The people we have played with, we have chatted to in depth, then met socially, prior to any fun. If you're not prepared to put in the effort, rather than requesting a quick fuck, I don't like your chances, and rightfully so.

also a line like " wen can i fuk ya misses " doesnt work either
we meet heaps of couples and play with most of them
yes we know theres lots of nice single men but bring a nice woman for me and you may have a chance
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
We have met heaps of couples (and singles) on this site, we have made some good friends, had some very interesting nights, and met one or two couples we have given a swerve. The the profiles, get on chat and talk to people, and get to the local meet and greets. Fires
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Like Firedragon, we too have met lots of great people here (couples and singles). Chatting here first and sussing out suitable personality fits through the chat rooms has been invaluable and following it up at meet and greets. It's the best form of "sexual shopping". Meet and greets are always top of our list. Go on and put yourself out there!
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
We have been on here for almost 12 months met a few great cpls what we are annoyed with is the lack of honest cpls that are filling up the chat rooms or on line chatters that have no interest in meeting maybe sh needs to address this so we as in cpls that do play don't waste so much time of our own in future this week alone we have been hit on buy 4 cpls that have turned out to be single men maybe a cpls only chat room or chat room for cpls that do play would help save every ones time. And I thank you all for your advice I guess I am venting my frustration in public to see if others are suffering the same dramas.
Sex God
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Well see there is the problem. Have you reported these 4 cpls that are single men??? All reports are looked into and taken care off, by moderators and admin. On this matter. But as we have have over 100 thousand members, getting to see all profiles... its that easy, this is where we hope members that come across them. Report them. Please send me a site email. And i will look into the matter. As to your uum cpls problem, Sorry to hear you feel that arnt enough couples on site that are real. So far, Most couples i have met on site are real. And i have lucky enough to meet alot of folks across the whole of australia. Did i play with all of them, well no. But they are very much real smile
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
weve met over 20 couples and played with most. were having a great time
Master of Sex
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
There a many real and wonderful people here ... It takes time and effort just like any part of life Invest in yourself and be involved in chat, meets and the forum and over time the outcome is positive And just like any form of Internet meet or dating sites beneath all the bravado there are real people wanting to meet and it's not always easy. Those that expect immediate results are often very disappointed and leave too early. Just have fun smile
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
I have to agree with most of what has been said here. There are lots of people who don't help themselves or anybody else - "I am available , wanna fuck?" is not a chat up line that works very often! I have met some lovely couples from here just by being honest, up-front, and chatting which usually goes on to email and on to a meet. Please read the profiles - most people have taken a lot of time to be specific about themselves and what they are after so be respectful and follow their lead. Honesty is the key also, how many profiles out there are listed as couples where only the guy is seen by anyone? Be sensitive, remember that where a couple is concerned there are two people opening their relationship to you and both need to be comfortable with proceeding. One couple I met it was their first time swinging and the lady got cold feet right at the last minute. That was cool and we talked it over a few times, then she became more comfortable and we met up regularly over about two years. Not sure how a 'genuine couples only room' or similar is going to keep the tyre-kickers, non-genuine ones, and singles out but anything is worth a try.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hi all, For our part, we meet people when we can (having young kids makes that hard for us), we try to go to M&G's when we can (refer to previous mention of young, and we participate in chat and other site activities, such as the forums, etc. As Good & Greedy said, one of the big things for us (so as to not waste anyone's time, including ours) is to chat online first, and if we seem compatible, see some face pics, and then meet up socially. We previously mentioned that we don't get to play all that often (even though we would love to be able to) as we are time poor, so, compatibility with the people we take the time to meet in person is important to us. It has to be something we're into 110% for us to organise sending the kids away and making it happen...but when we do, we really have a great time, and often make it happen again (and We say in our profile that, although we're not looking for a relationship, if we don't feel some sort of attraction toward the people who we want to play with, then it's going to be hard to want to get naked with them. Long story short, there may be heaps of people that want to play on the site, but only a portion of those will feel the desire to play with YOU. It's a numbers game, and it takes time to find people who are truly compatible with you. I know that some of the more hard core swingers on the site will roll their eyes and would get the shits with that, and probably call us time wasters (but we don't care), because their belief is it's a swingers site, come over here, get your gear off and let's get busy, but that's not our style. To us, that turns what should be a fun & memorable experience into something clinical & not particularly memorable. Different people are into different things and different attributes in people, and also have different desires as to things they want to experience. You just have to be patient and play the numbers game in order to find those people. We see so many people come into the site and get the shits when they haven't been laid in the first week. Fortunately, most of these people make a lot of noise, then go away. Hang in there. It will be worth it. Best of luck in your search. Regards, A & J
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Maybe I stated the question wrong. But we have met and played many times now the drama we seem to be having is that we are being approached by people who are not committed to replying or seeking to end up meeting we are having great times here and want that to continue. And the replies this post is having are fantastic glad that people take time to read and be more involved instead of looking at pics and going from there full credit to you all happy times every one.
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
we are getting the same as you guys LUCKY_28. we had a very top night with you guys and can only hope that we both can find more ppl like us but yes it is hard.
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
[quote="ajsydney"]Hi all, For our part, we meet people when we can (having young kids makes that hard for us), we try to go to M&G's when we can (refer to previous mention of young, and we participate in chat and other site activities, such as the forums, etc. As Good & Greedy said, one of the big things for us (so as to not waste anyone's time, including ours) is to chat online first, and if we seem compatible, see some face pics, and then meet up socially. We previously mentioned that we don't get to play all that often (even though we would love to be able to) as we are time poor, so, compatibility with the people we take the time to meet in person is important to us. It has to be something we're into 110% for us to organise sending the kids away and making it happen...but when we do, we really have a great time, and often make it happen again (and We say in our profile that, although we're not looking for a relationship, if we don't feel some sort of attraction toward the people who we want to play with, then it's going to be hard to want to get naked with them. Long story short, there may be heaps of people that want to play on the site, but only a portion of those will feel the desire to play with YOU. It's a numbers game, and it takes time to find people who are truly compatible with you. Never have more apt words been read by me... we agree whole heartedly, and although we dont have children at home anymore, we are still time poor and organisation is sometimes a very tricky thing to manage. Have worked out patience is the key.. Needsxtra
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
The 2 things that we look for first of all are whether they are image verified, and whether they have SHREP on their profiles so we can check out what other couples think of them. These are 2 very good additions to this site and we believe that if you dont have at least on these on your profile, perhaps you either have something to hide such as being a fake profile or just after online play......Ms Squirts xxx