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Forum tips.....

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Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Just a quick reminder to all the new forum users - take a minute to update your new forum settings page. :thumbup:
You can add a location to your avatar box :twisted:
and put a signature at the bottom of all your posts :bounce:
And don't forget to upload your avatar if you don't already have one (it shouldn't be anything obscene, so no genital shots :scaredsmile.
It's likely to become the thing you're known by - people tend to start spotting the avatar before they read your user name - so choose carefully. :silly:
Another tip when using the forums: The spell checker saves lives! Well, it probably saves you getting a smackbottom from the grammar police! ;-)
To use it, click the icon in the bottom right corner of the post box. That will highlight any words not in the dictionary. To correct one just click on it and select the right spelling. When you're finished click the resume editing icon before previewing or submitting the thread.
Happy posting!
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
As fast-moving threads get longer it's sometimes difficult to keep track of the last post you read. However, if you click on this icon at the left of the thread it will take you straight to the first post since you last logged on.
And this icon on the right of the thread (next to the author's name) will take you to the latest post.
Start using these shortcuts and you'll have far more time for hump ! :lol2: