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About Swinging

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Forum Virgin
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Good evening,
This evening during a period of "bored web browsing" I found this web site. I have found reading discussions in the various sub-forums rather interesting. However, I know very little about swinging. I don't really even know what it is. Until venturing into these forums, it was always my perception "swingers are couples who engage in extra-marital sex" but it seems I was somewhat mistaken regarding that limited definition.
Until somewhat recently I was in a serious relationship. So indeed I am presently a single male, but I am not here to spam users with annoying invites or looking for free sex with randoms. Even if that were the case, I have neither the body, experience nor confidence for such an endeavor. Rather I am more interested in learning more about exactly what is this thing called "swinging."
I loved my partner very much. Although we had an active sex life, our activities were limited to fairly traditional straight sex between the two of us only. Certainly it was enough for her, but I was always interested in more, however she was totally against the prospect. So I ignored my own desires for her sake. But being alone once more, I have become curious to know more about swinging generally. I have never had the opportunity to ask anyone about it, so this forum seems a good place to ask.
Some questions:
-What exactly is "swinging" ? Reading the forums I'm torn between "casual sex mostly involving couples" and something closer to a "lifestyle choice." I have seen multiple forum posts containing reference to forming ongoing friendships with swinging partners, and so on, which doesn't seem to fit with just "casual sex."
-How do most people become involved in the lifestyle? Do existing couples get into it to "spice up" their sex life? Conversely, do single people specifically try to date partners that are also interested in the lifestyle? I have no idea how people can safely bring such a topic up with current or potential partners. Considering the tension created simply by asking my previous partner (despite some signs she might be interested), it certainly doesn't seem like an easy topic to broach - I'll think twice before bringing that topic up again with anyone new.
-Is being a swinger considered a social stigma? For example, is it something many swingers would hide from their friends, new partners etc? Would it be true or false to say a desire for the swinging lifestyle is largely misunderstood by sexually mainstream individuals? I certainly do not discuss this topic with anyone I know as I feel the result would be being made fun of from now until forever.
-Don't swinging singles/couples just end up getting propositioned by creeps like 10 times a day? How do people protect themselves? Is initially meeting in a public setting standard practice for many?
I have other questions also but this post is way too long already.
Please feel free to use this thread to discuss swinging in general, what swinging means to you, about your swinging experiences, swinging information or advice for new comers or potentially interested parties, etc. I'd be very interested to see what people have to say. Although I'm probably blindly missing a totally obvious link on the site explaining all about swinging, aren't I?
Apologies for the verbosity of my post, I tend to become carried away with the written word.
TL;DR : I know nothing about swinging. Tell me about it! Alternatively, tell me to go screw myself for posting a wall of text.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
hello smile from what i know of swinging: couples: for couples i think swinging is a fantasy they live such as a threesome could be the mans fantasy and yet a gangbang could be hers but they set rules to protect themselves from complete out of controlness ( even though some couples have a open relationship but in my opinion couples with love and control much more sexy not only to be apart of but to watch :) ). Singles: Now i cant speak for singles but i can speak for me why i got into swinging, i was in a relationship for 4 yrs begging for another girl to join us begging but my bf at the time wouldnt go through with it and once we parted i had to explore my desires and ive done more fantasys then you can dream of. Down side is never have that connection or simple kissing as a passionate but more like trying to eat their face lol . The up side is the meet n greets and the people you meet are some amazing people and that alone is something worth while. most couples do this to as u say spice things up but to be honest id just love to watch nothing to do with spicing things up its hot. singles they are horny simple with the saying your a swinger most hide it plus no ones business what they do in the bedroom needless to say i didnt hide it and even though im with someone and havent swinged for ages doesnt mean i will hide it just means im waiting :) Yes you get creeps but thats also in life now isnt it with this lifestyle gotta expect that and handle it. feel free to message me and i can answer other questions :)
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hi there I'm an attached guy on line as single, I'm here to have discrete casual sex be that one off or ongoing. My partner isn't really in to swinging, having a dud experience once turned her off this and she also has a much lower drive than myself. She is aware of my desires and assumes things are going on but prefers not to know. That said I have not actually had an encounter that needs explaining and I've been on here for nearly a year. I think many guys here can expect to be disappointed at lack of couples and female who really want just the sex with single guys, be it a one off or ongoing thing. But I agree with candy and really the best place to start is a meet and greet thats where you'll meet the real swingers and not just the explorers. Also your profile can be a 'turn on' or a 'turn off'. I think mine must be the later fuck no's what wrong there:-? Still give it ago, state what your after, and see what happens. If every one knows what your about thats the best you can do.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Tomfun, after looking at your profile, there is only one niggle I have. You say you are looking for young, like yourself. Most of the people I have been in contact with here are not young, as in, mostly over 30. That may be a slight turnoff. Photos are great though smile
Forum Virgin
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Good questions and I have been thinking similarly on one point. I don't really fully understand the singles aspect of this site (or scene if is normally a part?) either and it doesn't really fit with what I expected/knew swinging to be. I can see why singles would want to have casual sex (why wouldn't they) and I know and understand why couples may be interested in singles to join them for fun..but I reckon for singles it seems it would be a more normal path to just go through usual dating/hook-up sort of websites, hook up with people out on the town, singles nights or whatever or even attend a brothel for sex. Unless for singles it is actually the couples aspect that is appealing? Or if bi-sexual/curious they may want to experience both sexes at once? which might not be an easy option through any of those means mentioned. Or is it that the other means outside of the swinging scene involve too much possible commitment and it is all about the "casual" part? I don't mean in any judgmental way toward singles, I/we have chatted to some very nice ones on here and I probably just don't understand hence I'm asking, ..but if you're just looking to root people as a single strait person does that really still fit under heading of being a swinger? 'Cause if it does then just about every single mate I have had for the past 15-20 years is a keen swinger (but never heard them refereed to as such).
Forum Virgin
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hmm interesting stuff, thanks for the replies. I guess I'd have to agree that singles don't count as swingers. Since a single having sex is just.... having sex, really. Nothing unusual there. I do understand why single's would be attracted to this site though. For example, I agree with Candy1991 that it would be awesome to just watch a real couple going at it. So for something like that it probably doesn't matter so much if the voyuer is a couple or a single. But conversely I don't think it's something that people could find so easily on websites oriented towards singles, so instead they end up here. As for being a swinging couple, well.... I have no idea how anyone can bring the topic up at all safely to begin with. With my ex-partner, she had spoken about her fantasy of getting another person or people involved. (Although from what I've learned here, I guess that is more "group sex" and less "swinging"? I don't know.) But attempting to discuss the possibility of turning that from fantasy to reality sort of exploded in my face..... I imagine that's because I'm stupid and probably posed the question in the worst possible way, because I'm awesome like that.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
FWIW, I think swinging has less to do with who you have sex with, and more to do with who your partner has sex with. Most of us want to fuck whoever we like. That's normal. Swinging is about letting your partner have sex with other people. That's what sets swingers apart from the general community. Singles can be swingers if they have that mentality of "willing to share my partner - if I had one".