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Dealing with that fear of rejection from feeling VERY self c

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Forum Virgin
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
How do I get past that initial fear of rejection from feeling VERY self conscious. Not a slim person or 'hot' by regular standards and I am always scared of putting myself out there in case someone is repulsed by what they see.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
hi -- and stress less --- if people are only interested in the physical components of a person then its their loss if they dont take the time to meet and get to know the person within -------looks are genetic---and we cant control genetics ----- Look in the mirror if u like the person u see inside and out so will others ---confidence in ones self and sexuality far outweighs the physical appearance-------- from one voice in a world of BBW
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
confidence is definately sexy no matter what u way or look like. if you dont have it, fake it. talk up your positives. and most people do like personality more than intial appearance.
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hey babe, I'm no addonis or model, far from it. However I know who I am and what I want. If others don't like the way I look, then tough for them, it certainly doesn't worry me. I find if your upfront with people, and exude a level of self confidence, then like minded people will gravitate your way. Never pre-suppose how people will react to you, if you do that, you'll never get out of bed in the morning.
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Self-belief and a confident, warm smile are very sexy traits in any people. With billions of us on the planet, there are plenty of people who find people attractive in their own eyes - its comes down to the whole package and how you project yourself. As a young kid growing up with a very serious stutter, I found socialising to be extremely difficult. but you know what - I faced my fears, found a way around it, picked myself up and hung around with positive people who took the time to listen to what I had to say and realised that people actually liked me for who I was, stutter and all! Start liking the person who smiles at you in the mirror and it will come across to others around you - before long you will be unendated with raunchy offers to keep you smiling. Enjoy life
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
being trans I was more than a little self concious the first couple of times i went to a swingers club. But generally speaking, Im pretty well accepted there. No one seems to mind me at all, even the gals. Its really not about what you look like, its about how you get on with the others. And as long as youre yourself, youll have no problems.