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3 hours ago
Straight Male, 65
Straight Female, 57
0 km · New South Wales


Warming the Bed
Hope this weather stays nice so we can go to grays again , probs even stay overnight again, come say hello if You are there
Warming the Bed
looking forward to a trip to grays tomorrow, might even travel up there and sleep the night in the rest stop on the highway ,or at the beach if the ranger don't come by , We love to be up the beach near the dunes for a little play if anyone is interested ,,,,,,,
Warming the Bed
Thinking of having a little trip to the beach this evening ,,,,, will be looking for a little fun
Warming the Bed
hi , we went to silverwater park last nite and Mrs PJ had a fun time in our van with Mr Cheeky Me , was a lot of fun , ,,,,police came by , but nothing was said to us , they just drove in then straight out again .Thanks Cheeky , youre a nice guy ,,,
Warming the Bed
we had a guy "No Show" very recently ,, he had been given a contact number etc etc , But No Call .Two days later we get a message , "Oh sorry couldnt come I was held up at another function " ,,,,,,,he seemed genuinely Sorry , although we will not be extending him another invite, It doesnt sound like too much hassal, we were a bit disappointed , MrsPJ was looking forward to having some fun with Him , (I love to watch). so not a good start to meeting single guys on Swingers Heaven What Our single friend doesnt seem to realise or care about , is that for Us with Kids, like many other couples , we have to organise our own stuff before making some room in our life , with business etc, to find time for a sexy playtime with Him , or anyone else for that matter. In our case we Homeschool , so kids are a 24/7task . So we want to meet this guy , we organise for the kids to have an outdoors trip well away from home with some other person to take them , leaving us some play time . Then we waited , and waited , not wanting to slip out for a minute in case he called . We thought we would look bad if we didnt answer his call (he was passing thru our little town along a major highway) so it was hang around all day waiting , he couldnt give an exact time , After a while we gave up and the Kids were brought back home , . dont sound too bad , but hey lots of questions about what we were doing etc , its awkward sometimes , I really think in a lotta cases the "Littlehead" thinks more than thebig one and a lot of single guys dont realise whats involved in getting a meeting arranged with a couple Me and MrsPJ
Warming the Bed
must agree ,,, we pay , we should be able to access the person we want to talk to
Warming the Bed
heyTempted Two, I think you hit the nail on the head mate , I do all (well almost all) the initial contacts with guys and sort those I know Mrs will like and those I know she wont . then she may ring or chat in chatroom with them and we go from there , another thing Mrs likes is a nice picture of the guy in question , not a cock pic , but a nice body pic always works for Her.
Warming the Bed
A few of the ppl we know are keen for a meet and greet in coffs , and another has PM'ed me about this, anyone else like to get together for a social drink send a message
Warming the Bed
I think you have a good idea there , seems to be a few ppl around coffs on here
Warming the Bed
we are going to the jetty beach again tonight and hoping to find a few guys around the place for a bit of Fun , we intend to be there just after dark ,
Warming the Bed
we are thinking of heading down to the jetty for a spot of dogging again tonite , anyone interested ?
Warming the Bed
good chance we will be at the jetty tomorrow nite after about 8 pm to see what we can find , maybe tell yoour hubby and his mate
Warming the Bed
Its a shame You are so far from us too , Mrs is a Published Prof photographer with a portable backdrop and lighting , she has taken some very nice profile pics for lots of different people on this site and others ,message for more info if required MeandMrsPJ