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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 44
0 km · Victoria


Warming the Bed
This is one of the major concerns for us. When I first introduced the idea to him, the first thing that he said to me was about being jealous. Should I take that as a bad sign? I wanted to experience something different. There were things I want to do before I die and I thought this is the best time to go for it. But I don't to want to pur our relationship in an irrecoverable state of devastation. This is not that easy as I thought it would be.
Warming the Bed
I haven't been using condoms for a long time. I know it is not the smartest move from my side. My bf hates condoms. He doesn't like it at all. Well, he is my bf and I want to trust him. I thought I shouldn't let a small thing like condom get in the way of our relationship. The more I listen to people here, I understand diseases are very real and around us. I will try to make him aware of the risks out there.
Warming the Bed
This is something I always wanted to try. Right now we decided we will only meet with couples. I don't like the idea of open marriage as you call it. But when the opportunity arrives, I want to go for it. I know there are diseases but we only live once. What good is life if we can't experience what we want!
Warming the Bed
Life like robots huh? So we a girls are not good enough for you anymore? I don't know about the swinging scene. But bisexuality is getting more and more accepted these days. I know lot of women who enjoy both male and female companionship. It may take another 10, 20 years for bisexuality among men to be accepted as it is with girls.
Warming the Bed
That is not very nice of you boys to say that! We are not here to fulfill any man's desires. We definitely are no slaves. We don't have to live our lifes under the wing of any man. We can be independent and have the freedom to do what we want. Why do so many men have such low opinion of women! We are not garbage, you know.
Warming the Bed
I will tell you boys right away that I'm not into pain. I'm just oldschool when it comes to sex. What do we look for in other couples? Nothing much. Just two people willing to have fun and share an experience with us. That's all I'm lookng for. It's not too much to ask, is it?
Warming the Bed
We have been talking about this. We still haven't reached to any conclusions. After reading all of your replies I think it's best that we don't tell. No matter how close people are, I think it's nice to have a certain boundary.
Warming the Bed
There maybe some some women who may not like men playing with their feet. But don't think all women are like that. I myself enjoy my bf playing with them. I know it's not for everyone. People are different and people have different tastes. Live and Let live boys.
Warming the Bed
There are so many aspects of this I never thought about. I'm just a beginner so I wouldn't know what you boys are talking about. But I would take proper measures to ensure that we don't too close to any couples. That way if we have to part ways some day, it won't be so hard on us.
Warming the Bed
These are the things I want to do before I die. 1. To take part in group sex 2. To have sex while people watching. I cant think of anything else right now.
Warming the Bed
We have done it in a railway station. It was abandoned. We were just exploring the city during the night. The place was really creepy and weird. We just felt like doing it and we did just that.
Warming the Bed
wow Do people actually get bored with swinging? I never pictured that coming. I always wanted to know what it feels like to be with another couple. So I guess I won't be bored anytime soon.
Warming the Bed
I never wanted to have fake boobs. Couple of years go my bf asked me if i would get it done. So i did it for him. I dont know what do you guys see in bigger boobs if you ask me. Looking at all the responses here nobody seems to like it!
Warming the Bed
I always wondered what it feels like to go to a sex club and just let myself free. I have imagine myself being in group sex. I really want to try that before I die.
Warming the Bed
I didn't know about this. As I said before I'm just a beginner. Me and my bf are in our mid 20's and I hope that doesn't stop people! I always thought everybody liked young people. Maybe they don't like young people thinking they are very inexperienced.
Warming the Bed
My bf is very possessive of me. but I always liked that side of him. He has always stayed rational and never went over board with it. But I know relationships that have been destroyed because one of them trying to possess the other. Maybe we all need to go back to school and learn how to love again.
Warming the Bed
You boys have been very helpful. I guess I should do some more research on stds before I jump in. I never really bothered to check up on diseases ever. I feel a little stupid listening to all of you. I will try to protect myself better from now on.
Warming the Bed
As a girl I have done both and I personally prefer not to swallow. My bf likes cumming inside my mouth and I dont really stop him. I have let him know that I dont like it but hey better do it to me than some other girl..
Warming the Bed
There is not a particular number rule or anything. Whenever, wherever we can. It is not about the number of times you have sex. Even if it is just one time a week, it shouldnt really matter.
Warming the Bed
yes. we have done that couple of times. Although we didnt use it as a replacement for porn. It was more comical for us. We just couldnt stop laughing watching ourselves on tv.
Warming the Bed
I have been hearing about all the fun people having and I guess I couldnt control my curiosity. I told this about my bf and I am glad that he didnt freak out or anything. We will try this. It is just something different that we wannt to experience.
Warming the Bed
Brad pitt! He maybe in his 40's but he is still sexy as ever. I hate angelina for taking him away from me. He was supposed to come and kidnapp me. And johnny deep! Oh he can come pirate me any day!
Warming the Bed
You boys are not shy about discussing such personal matters on an online forum! Oh well, what the hell. I lost mine when I was 17. It was with my boyfriend at the time.
Warming the Bed
Use condoms. Protect yourself. That would be my worst fear come true. I wouldnt want anything like that happen to me. My bf would be mad! We are just interested in swinging just purely for the fun aspect of it and not to get ourselves in some unwanted complicated situations.
Warming the Bed
For me personally I would choose brains. I would choose beauty for my woman. I mean, come on! What are women going to do with brains anyway! They certainly don't seems to use the one's they already have. Yes! Let the world be full of dumb sexy looking vixens. I chose brains for me so that I can lure women with being the smarty.
We use our brains when we want to. The fact that men will do anything to be with a women shows how we can easily control you boys. You will talk to us, buy us gifts, entertain us all that just to have sex with us. So who's smarter?
Warming the Bed
eww. I wouldnt want to catch one of those. What measures can I take to ensure that I will stay disease free. How can you stop something like coldsores if it can be transmistted through a kiss. How would you protect yourself?
Warming the Bed
I personally know as a woman that sex while you are pregnant is totally safe. It doesnt do your baby any harm at all. But being said that you must also remember that you are more vulnerable than ever and you shouldnt do anything that will make you regret in the future.
Warming the Bed
This is such a wild concept. Never in my wildest dreams have I thought about something like this. I have to say I like the idea. I will discuss this one with my bf, see if he can set one up here for us.
Warming the Bed
Why are men so insecure about their penis sizes? As a woman I can tell you that there is no difference. A bigger does not necessarily mean better satisfaction at sex. If you know how to use it properly size doesnt matter at all.
Warming the Bed
That is totally depended on you and your wife. You can go to clubs and get a feel for it. Nobody is going to force you to jump in on everyone.
If you don't feel comfortable going to clubs right away you can try ads, personals. Most couples like ads as you get the chance to choose couples that you feel are ok. You also get the chance to know them before you actually meet.
That was a very useful. We have been just starting and we havent done anything. We just talked about it and we have been thinking about going to clubs. Maybe we should just try ads instead, like you said.