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Help the wife open up about here bi side?

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Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hi guys, My Wife has said a couple of times she like girls and we do sometime watch lesbian porn, however she is a bit guarded about talking about it and I want her to talk more about it and eventually meet with a girl and have soem fun. I've joined here as a couple in the hope of getting her on here too but I've yet to bring it up. I'd appericate any help with gettign here to talk more about he feeling for girls and maybe find a way of introducing this website to her to have a look. Anyone with any experiance and or advice woudl be appericated. Paul
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Not sure how to help, but if u ever looking for a girl to help her, Bel would be keen and we don't live far ;)
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Ok talking as a Bi girl.....sometimes the difference between reality and fantasy is as wide as the great ocean.... If your wife is indeed Bi she will need to come to terms with that in her own time.....just let her know that you will support that decision wholeheartdley.......because if she feels that you just want it for you it could go badly. Being truly Bi is a great feeling but some ppl assume being Bi means you want every girl you meet lol pppffftttt it sooooooooooooooooo doesn't work that way smile Tell her about the site....give her the web address and for god's sake just dont hover and ask constantly if she's had a of luck :)
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hi there SydneyCouple - you've asked a question that countless people have pondered. I also think you've answered it too ;-) Betty and I have found that the catalyst for our relationship progressing was discussing what we wanted in an open, honest and non-threatening way. We did this by listening to a number of sex positive podcasts, normally together and often in the car whilst driving. This gave us the opportunity to spend some 'quality' time to work thru the things we wanted to discuss. We started with one named 'Sex is Fun' - a quick google will lead you to the rss feed. Episode #55 deals with female bisexuality, but I'd suggest that you start at the beginning and work your way progressively thru the back catalog. Dan Savage also has a great weekly podcast that covers a gamut of topics and s a vehement supporter of what he calls 'monogamish' relationships. Best of luck with your journey and development as a couple. Keep talking and have fun. Cheers, Billy
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Thanks for all the comments guys, we have spoken about it and you are right it's a million miles between the fantasy and reality ( i guess being a guy i wanted it to be a reality) I think the best way forward will be to allow her to seek out how she feels and I'll neture any feeling she has, one thing she did say is that she thought it woudl be cheating on me - I'd love to hear thoughts on that as i don't see it that way. Paul
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Hi Paul, I can totally see how she feels about it being she is so unsure of what she is feeling atm, this to her would be betraying you....I think you giving her the support she needs is wonderful...this really is such a personal discovery for her..your support tho is amazing.....well done to you....... Good luck to both of you......
Warming the Bed
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by sydney_couple7
Thanks for all the comments guys, we have spoken about it and you are right it's a million miles between the fantasy and reality ( i guess being a guy i wanted it to be a reality)
I think the best way forward will be to allow her to seek out how she feels and I'll neture any feeling she has, one thing she did say is that she thought it woudl be cheating on me - I'd love to hear thoughts on that as i don't see it that way.

She seemed totally up for it when i spoke to her on here yesterday?? :S
Swingers Heaven Logo 0 likes
Quote by sydney_couple7
Thanks for all the comments guys, we have spoken about it and you are right it's a million miles between the fantasy and reality ( i guess being a guy i wanted it to be a reality)
I think the best way forward will be to allow her to seek out how she feels and I'll neture any feeling she has, one thing she did say is that she thought it woudl be cheating on me - I'd love to hear thoughts on that as i don't see it that way.

If she is doing it with your blessing (and knowledge), just keep supporting her and she'll likely stop seeing it as cheating nd hopefully love you all the more for your encouragement and support.... However, if she starts doing it more and more without both of those things, then as the saying goes, "Be careful what you wish for." I have friends who started like this and the married girl left her marriage and is now in a full time relationship with another girl. Just be sure....